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Thank You Plant Medicine

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De beweging

Thank You Plant Medicine is een sociale en globale beweging om het therapeutische effect van psychedelica onder de aandacht te krijgen. De bedoeling is om van het stigma af te komen en de beschikbaarheid van therapeutische psychedelische sessies wereldwijd te verhogen.

Waarom wij de beweging steunen

Triptherapie steunt de beweging Thank You Plant Medicine omdat we vinden dat iedereen toegang zou moeten hebben tot medicijnen die de natuur ons biedt. Uiteraard is er in Nederland al heel wat mogelijk op gebied van psychedelische therapie en kunnen wij gewoon ons werk hier doen. De helft van onze klanten die bij ons een truffel ceremonie ondergaan komen vanuit het buitenland. In andere landen dan bijvoorbeeld Nederland en Peru wordt het gebruik van deze natuurlijke therapeutische middelen bestraft en wordt je voor gek verklaart of zelfs afgestoten door je omgeving als men er achter komt dat je deze giften uit te natuur gebruikt. Wij geloven erin dat psychedelica de wereld beter kunnen maken door individuen te genezen, waardoor de individuen ook weer beter zijn voor hun eigen omgeving. Het therapeutisch gebruik van psychedelica moet dus wereldwijd beschikbaar en bereikbaar zijn, ook voor diegenen die niet de middelen ter beschikking hebben om af te reizen naar een land waar psychedelica wel mag gebruikt worden.

Lees hier meer over onze mening hoe psychedelica de wereld kunnen redden.

De Nederlandse tak van Thank You Plant Medicine

De Nederlandse vrijwilligers van de beweging doen het echt super goed. In Nederland hebben we de grootste groei van leden en activiteit vanwege de gematigde acceptatie in Nederland en de geweldige inzet van ons team. Ondanks dat ik ben aangewezen als een van de leiders voor de Nederlandse tak moet ik eigenlijk het hele team bedanken. Dankzij de liefde van ieder lid van de beweging hebben we tot nu toe zo succesvol kunnen zijn!

We zijn er nog niet

Om de beweging succesvol te maken hebben we wereldwijd nog veel meer leden nodig. De komende dagen zou je in kranten kunnen lezen wat onze beweging inhoudt en hoe je kan deelnemen. Hieronder zal ik het officiële persbericht plaatsen (in het Engels) zodat je precies kan inlezen hoe de beweging tot stand is gekomen en hoe je ons doel kan helpen.

Press release TYPM

a Chat Between Two Friends…To a Global Movement Just Months Later

all began with a casual conversation between two friends in Spain
last summer – and has now developed into an unstoppable global

David Grillot and Jonathan Glazer were at the World Ayahuasca Conference in Girona, Spain, in June 2019, and chatted about the importance of reducing the stigma in society about psychedelic substances and their consumption.

The friends, who both live in Costa Rica, spoke about empowering people to speak openly about their lives being transformed through the use of entheogenic plant medicines – and creating a campaign of gratitude celebrating the amazing healing benefits of these natural, traditional medicines.

The #ThankYouPlantMedicine movement was born that day, and just six months later it has exploded into a global grassroots movement that is on a mission to raise awareness about the healing potential of psychoactive plant medicines and psychedelic-assisted therapy.

There are now 400 volunteers in 55 countries dedicated to this mission, who are spreading the #ThankYouPlantMedicine message far and wide.

The #ThankYouPlantMedicine Facebook community has grown to almost 6,000 people in a matter of months, and an average of 100 people per day are now joining as the movement is picking up some serious momentum.

Co-founder David Grillot said: “The growth of ThankYouPlantMedicine has been incredible, particularly over the last month or so.

“People all over the world feel so passionately about plant medicines because they’ve had such powerful, transformative experiences. One thing we hear over and over from our volunteers is ‘this substance didn’t change my life; it saved my life.’ 

is why there has been such a groundswell of grassroots support;
people are keen to share their wonderful healing experiences and help
educate the general public who don’t yet properly understand the
massive therapeutic potential of plant medicines when used
responsibly with the proper care and support.”

Plant medicines such as the Amazonian brew ayahuasca, psilocybin mushrooms, and the African root iboga, are all currently outlawed as illegal drugs in Western society. Due to their psychedelic effects, these plant medicines have been stigmatized and completely misjudged by governments and health organizations.

However, the tide is turning as scientists and academics around the world have been intensely studying the therapeutic effects of such plants, with startling positive results in the treatment of many ailments ranging from severe depression and anxiety to PTSD and heroin addiction.

in 2019, the world-leading John Hopkins University in Maryland, USA,
and the Imperial College of London opened centres for psychedelic

Even more powerful than the clear scientific evidence is the emergence of countless breath-taking stories of healing through the responsible use of plant medicines at retreats all over the world.

Twenty-year heroin addictions cured through ibogaine, childhood abuse trauma healed by drinking ayahuasca in a ceremonial setting, and long-standing depression lifted through the responsible use of psilocybin mushrooms in the right environment.

These are just a small selection of real-life case studies that may be considered “miraculous” in today’s Western society, but they are very real indeed and underline the huge potential for healing and relieving suffering.

Jonathan Glazer, co-founder of #ThankYouPlantMedicine, added: “I believe all human beings should have the liberty to access these traditional healing modalities that in most cases are known to be safe, efficient and relatively inexpensive.

current prohibition is unscientific and causes many to miss out on
life-expanding experiences, for no real reason.

“Enjoying our symbiotic relationship with plants is a basic human right that our ancestors understood and took part in. I’d like this to be restored.”

The #ThankYouPlantMedicine movement is focused on raising global awareness about the benefits of psychoactive plant medicines including psilocybin, ayahuasca, cannabis, huachuma, iboga, as well as psychedelic-assisted therapy with MDMA and LSD.

To achieve this, a viral gratitude campaign is being prepared to draw the attention of the mainstream media.

February 20th,
2020, the goal is to see 100,000+ people “come out” on social
media worldwide with their stories of personal healing and
transformation, using the hashtag #ThankYouPlantMedicine.

The intent of this campaign is to raise global awareness of the beneficial healing aspects of these medicines - and the importance of integrating them into mainstream society, free from stigma and all forms of discrimination.

An array of scientific experts and academics knowledgeable about the many benefits of plant medicines are lending their expertise to the movement, while psychologists, authors and lecturers are also giving it their full support.

The #ThankYouPlantMedicine movement has also formed key partnerships with respected organisations including ICEERS (the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research, and Service), and the Chacruna Institute of Psychedelic Plant Medicines, which produces high-quality research and properly educates the public on these substances.

The campaign is also underlining how plant medicines have positively influenced alternative healthcare, science, conservation, indigenous traditions, human rights and compassion for others.

In addition to reaching out to
hundreds of organizations, media channels and high-profile
celebrities, the team is also gathering the latest academic research,
safety and legal information surrounding plant medicines.

This information will be featured on a non-profit website, that will also promote indigenous causes, conservation efforts and ways to get involved with this global movement.

People looking to join the #ThankYouPlantMedicine movement are invited to sign up via the website, or join the Facebook group at

Geplaatst : 15 januari 2020 13:09
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