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Probiotics, plants and herbs that can help with ADHD

intestinal dopamine -Probiotics, plants and herbs that can help with ADHD

Dopamine More and more studies point the finger at dopamine when it comes to the cause of ADHD and ADD. A deficiency, surplus, hypersensitivity or insensitivity of dopamine is mentioned repeatedly. Even younger studies are looking at why dopamine is out of balance and it is becoming increasingly clear that the intestinal flora plays a very large role […]

TEDx talk: can magic mushrooms solve depression?

Depression 1 -TEDx talk: can magic mushrooms solve depression?

The Imperial College Research A clinical psychologist from Imperial College describes how Magic Mushrooms with Psilocybin, when used in a therapeutic setting, has proven to be a highly effective treatment for depression. In this conversation she draws on her experiences as a therapist in the groundbreaking “Psilocybin for Depression Study” and introduces us to some […]

Dopamine: more happiness when dopamine is in balance

dopamine molecule e1680783692781 -Dopamine: more happiness when dopamine is in balance

Dopamine is one of four important happiness hormones/neurotransmitters. DOSE is the abbreviation for the happiness hormones/neurotransmitters that most influence your mood. DOSE stands for dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins. In this blog we will talk about dopamine and how you can become happier by balancing dopamine. About oxytocin and endorphins will follow soon […]