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Krill oil is better absorbed than fish oil

Krill4 -Krill oil is better absorbed than fish oil

What is krill oil? Krill is a collective term for small invertebrate, shrimp-like marine animals belonging to the order Euphausiacea. They provide a food source for various fish species such as herring. Krill oil is the oil obtained from krill. Krill oil vs fish oil Krill oil and fish oil contain the omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, but there is still a [...]

Pomegranate for athletes and for optimal health

pomegranate -Pomegranate for athletes and for optimal health

Pomegranate is a super-superfood The term superfood is often used to give certain foods a valuable meaning. Pomegranate has enormous and very important health benefits that can combat many chronic diseases. Edible parts Usually, people only eat the peeled pomegranate seeds. However, the entire pomegranate is usable and the different parts work together as […]