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Went to the other side!

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Deelgenomen: 5 jaar geleden
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Wow. What can I say? I'd been wanting to do this for sometime since listening to all the amazing research being done by modern intellectuals and institutions. Sam Harris, Tim Ferris, Jason Silva, Roland Griffiths, Michael Pollan and tons more. When I heard that it was ranked by most people as the one of the five most meaningful experiences of their lives... I knew I had to try it. Thank goodness I found Marcel! I told him I wanted the total experience. I wanted the full entheogenic, obliteration of ego, meeting god kind of experience. He created a concoction that sent me into another dimension. 70 mg of psilocybin -- and boy did it work. It's hard to describe even now what happened in that hotel room, but I'm glad Marcel was there because when I came to he was there to make sure I found my grounding and didn't start wandering the streets of Amsterdam on my own (Which I almost did). I'm an atheist, but grew up very religious, this was the experience I'd been craving for a while since leaving my faith. It was the transcendence without the dogma. It was the numinous without the pulpit. In fact it was even beyond that... at one point I felt that I hadn't just met god (I'm still an atheist but it's the best word to describe what it felt like) but I became god. I was the universe, I became Vishnu the Hindu god of creation and Brahma at the same time. It was me who would open my eyes and a thousand years would pass and a Universe would be created and I'd close my eyes and it would all disappear. (And I know very little about the Hindu religion... but that is where my brain went). Needless to say it was certainly one of the 5 most meaningful experiences of my life... perhaps even the 1st (we'll see how I feel when I have kids or get married). In short, it was incredible. It's now been a good 3 weeks since my session and even now I listen to the classical music that started my journey and the music is more rich somehow, more full, more heavenly. In fact I've fallen asleep more than once to the same classical music at the early hours of the night sending me into a renewed sense of transcendence although not as powerful. I can't wait to do it again -- I can't wait to introduce it to my girlfriend and many other of my friends. Marcel will certainly be seeing me again next time I'm in Amsterdam. Thanks for guiding me brotha and not letting me get into too much trouble.    

marcel reageerde
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Deelgenomen: 6 jaar geleden
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I must say that your review is beautiful. It's so well described. It sounds like you have been in a Samadhi state:

Check here the Samadhi video on Youtube

I had a very nice time together with you. Some parts of the guiding were very philosophical and I liked that a lot. And the WestCord Art Hotel in Amsterdam was a very good decision.

The next time we meet you should consider the Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam (near Rotterdam and The Hague). The Psychedelic Loft is especially designed for psychedelic trips and does have a lot of art as well.

Check out the Psychedelic Loft

I want to thank you for taking your time to write a review and I hope I will see you again with your girlfriend or maybe wife by then πŸ™‚

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Deelgenomen: 5 jaar geleden
Berichten: 5
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This is a follow up on my experience a few months ago --Β 

This might sound strange -- but since my experience the meaningfulness and insight I've gained from my heroic does trip experience has actually increased.Β 

Not a day has gone by that I haven't reflected upon this experience... and to say it has affected me in a positive way is a huge understatement. Although even to this day it's hard to put into words what I experienced. It was a complete ego death -- and I experienced a oneness with the universe that so many mystics, yogis, shamans and religious teachers have talked about for centuries. It has given me incredible insight that before I struggled to understand or shrugged off as crazy. Just this week I re-read some of Ernest Becker and Alan Watts and understood them in a way I never could or never would if I hadn't experienced my heroic journey.Β 

It's truly been the gift that keeps on giving. This level of insight has been incredible. So incredible that I'm still learning from it daily and so beneficial that things that I shrugged off are coming back to me filled with resonance.Β 

I should say that because it was my first trip ever, I'm not sure if you could call it a good trip or a bad trip... because at times it was euphoric and at other times quite terrifying. But the terrifying parts are really the parts that give me the most to reflect upon now. In a way it is terrifying to leave your body and merge with the great 'Self' or the 'universe' or 'God'. But it was also exactly what I wanted to experience.

On top of everything that I continue to learn in regards to the experience it has taught me that there is SO much we don't know... and I can't wait to go down the rabbit hole again to see what other gems I can discover.Β 

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