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Discounts on psychedelic therapy

To make professionally guided psychedelic sessions possible for lower-income people too, this subsidy pot has been made available. 

Through donations and tips, we are able to allow people on lower incomes to still benefit from the services we offer at Triptherapy. This includes lifestyle advice, a psychedelic group session, not to mention the integration of all the insights gained and necessary aftercare.

In this way, we hope to support many people and make a positive contribution to their health.

However, there are some conditions that need to be met. First, there must obviously be money in the fund and we request proof of current income. 

The maximum discount* we pay per person is €450 and is granted on gross annual incomes below €20,000. See below how the graduated discount is structured.

Grant pot


Gross income per annum

Less than €20,000

€ 450 discount

Less than € 25,000

€ 350 discount

Less than €30,000

€ 250 discount

Apply for discounts

It is possible to apply for the discount using the form below. We request that you only use this if you really need it. This is in order to reach the right target group. To complete the application, we request that you upload the latest available Income Tax. We will delete these immediately after viewing them. This data will not be retained in any way.

After this, you will be informed about the possible follow-up.

*This discount only applies to the psychedelic group session fee. All other costs such as travel and accommodation are at your own expense, as well as for the individual sessions. No reimbursement will be given for this.

Application form

Upload your latest income tax