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Table of contents

Who we are

Our website address is:
Our services are offered by the company Triptherapie, registered in the Chamber of Commerce register, under Chamber of Commerce number 87991616, with offices in Noordwijkerhout. Our correspondence address is:

Core mill 1M26
2211BM Noordwijkerhout

Bank details

Bank transfer:
Name: Trip Therapy
IBAN: NL07REVO6254213494
Feature: Enter the ID number of the appointment or the date of the appointment in the feature field.

Your dates

In short, we need to store certain data to make the site work properly. We do not sell your data to third parties and you always retain ownership of your own data. We comply with the legislation regarding personal data and privacy policy. At your request, your data can be viewed or deleted.


When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the comments form, and also the visitor's IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection.

An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be sent to the Gravatar service if you use it. The privacy policy page can be found here: After your comment is approved, your profile photo will be publicly visible in the context of your comment.


If you are a registered user and upload images to the site, you should avoid uploading images containing EXIF GPS location data. Visitors to the website can download the images from the website and view the location data.

Contact forms


When you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. We do this for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies are valid for one year.

If you have an account and you log in to this site, we will store a temporary cookie to determine whether your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is deleted when you close your browser.

Once you log in, we will store some cookies in connection with your login information and screen display options. Login cookies are valid for 2 days and cookies for screen display options are valid for 1 year. If you select “Remember me”, your login will be saved for 2 weeks. As soon as you log out of your account, login cookies will be deleted.

When you edit or publish a message, an additional cookie is stored by your browser. This cookie contains no personal data and only contains the post ID of the article you edited. This cookie expires after one day.

Embedded content from other websites

Posts on this site may contain embedded content (e.g. videos, images, messages, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves exactly the same as if the visitor had visited that other website.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

The complete cookie policy can be found here

How long we keep your data

When you leave a comment, that comment and its metadata are retained forever. This way we can recognize and approve follow-up comments automatically instead of having to moderate them.

For users registered on our website (if applicable), we also store personal information in their user profile. All users can have their personal information changed or deleted at any time. Website administrators can also view and change this information.

What rights you have over your data

If you have an account on this site or have left comments, you can request an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. We can delete your account, including all personal data we have about you, upon request. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

Where we send your data

Visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service. No data is shared in any other way than is necessary for the proper functioning of the website.

How we protect your data

We always provide the latest security. Our customers may demand that personal digital data be deleted so that we only (temporarily) manage your data on paper.


Before you agree to purchase a service, you must read all information regarding the service on the site. You are personally liable for the results resulting from our services. Since our advice is not medical advice, our advice should under no circumstances replace your medical advice. If our advice conflicts with the medical advice you have received from your specialist, you must consult with your specialist and inform this specialist about our advice. If your (medical) specialist agrees, we can continue the service with any preconditions. You are furthermore liable for the accuracy of the information you provide. Hidden physical and/or psychological abnormalities that manifest themselves during or after our services, as well as worsening of already known symptoms/complaints/conditions, are at your own risk.


The psychedelics that we use during the psychedelic sessions are all legal variants that do not fall under the Opium Act or the Medicines Act. Although psychedelic substances can provide many positive benefits, there are also risks associated with their use. The customer who uses these substances must conduct his own research into the effects, side effects and dangers of these substance classes. For LSD sessions it concerns the substance class Ergot alkaloids, for MDMA sessions it concerns the substance class Entactogens, for psilocybin we use magic truffles where tryptamines provide the psychedelic effects and psiloflora is a combination of tryptamines and mild MAOi.

Reservation and cancellation policy

When booking an appointment, a deposit of € 175.00 must be paid. After receiving the requested down payment, the requested date is definitively reserved for you. After a down payment, you will receive personal advice from us based on the intake. After personal advice has been given, the right to a refund of the deposit expires. You can cancel the appointment without further costs up to two weeks before the appointment. For cancellations less than two weeks before the appointment, a fee of € 350 in total (including the deposit) will be charged. The remainder of the amount to be paid, including any travel/parking costs or weekend surcharges, can be paid in cash on the day of the appointment or digitally until the day of the appointment.

Cancellations from trip therapy

If no deposit has been received within 24 hours of booking, we will cancel the reservation made.

Urgent reasons such as illness or unforeseen cancellation of our employees may cause the appointment to be canceled or postponed. If we suspect in the meantime that our services do not suit your (mental) health, we also see this as an urgent reason to cancel. In the event of cancellation from trip therapy, you are always entitled to reimbursement of all amounts already paid.

Cancellations from service customer

When rescheduling the appointment from the purchasing party, no costs will be charged if the relocation is requested at least fourteen weekdays in advance*. For relocations or cancellations within seven days before the appointment, the compensation amounts to a total of € 350.00 (€ 175.00 + € 175.00). In very unforeseen circumstances or if we can accommodate someone else on the day of cancellation, we may choose to charge less or no compensation.

*Except for the work already carried out such as reservation and consultancy costs for Trip Therapy (€ 175.00) based on the intake and neurotransmitter question test.


We comply with all provisions that the law requires us to do. If anything changes regarding the legislation, we must inform you if it applies to you.

Trippy chat

When you use our chatbot Trippy uses, you may submit information such as personal information, including names, email addresses, and phone numbers, in the chat or connected email. Please note that we store the chat history and other information provided by the users of this chatbot on Kommunicate servers for the sole purpose of displaying analytics, generating reports and sending the data to the chatbot platform we use for displaying and processing chats between Trippy chat and you as a user of the chat. Kommunicate and Triptherapie does not expose the personal information of the user of the chatbots to third parties. Trip Therapy staff can view the conversations and send additions.

The texts provided by Trippy are for information purposes only and constitute medical, financial or other form of professional advice.

If you want us to delete all data stored in the chat, you can contact us here.