Color therapy during the truffle ceremony

color therapy music

Table of contents

The truffle ceremony

During the truffle ceremony we use various techniques such as color therapy. Color therapy is usually not offered as a combination. However, we combine the different types of therapy into one experience where the whole works better than the sum of the parts. This means that the whole works better than if you did everything separately. We see this more often in nature and we call it a synergistic effect. We use Aromatherapy, Color Therapy, Music, NLP and a varying degree of presence of the trip coach.

Read more here about why we use different techniques at the same time

color therapy music -Color therapy during the truffle ceremony
All senses create one experience during the trip

Color therapy during the truffle ceremony

This blog will continue about why we use color therapy during psychedelic therapy. Each color has a different connection in the brain. For example, the color green can have associations with trees, grass, a car you once had, a taste or a feeling. These associations work differently for everyone and colors have a lot of influence, especially during a psychedelic trip. The increased influence is because during a psychedelic trip there is more connection with the automatic and unconscious tasks in the brain. The conscious brain can therefore better understand what colors mean when it is under the influence of psychedelics. In general, colors have a shared meaning and you will find that below. However, during your trip you will notice that you have unique connections with certain colors.

Color therapy trip therapy -Color therapy during the truffle ceremony
Colors gain meaning through the connections you make yourself.

Trip therapy is more than just psychedelic therapy with color therapy

The above story is only about one part of what we do during a psychedelic session. However, there are even more benefits to be gained from a psychedelic trip. Preparing for the trip is much more important than what one would expect. The preparation influences the trip and therefore the result.

We believe that a healthy body provides a healthy basis for being psychologically healthy. We do everything we can to address all facets of life and that is why we also advise our customers on nutrition, exercise and supplements. The complete approach for body and mind ensures the best results in the short and long term. Typically, we use a schedule that looks like this for most customers:

  1. Registration, neurotransmitter test and intake
  2. Advice about nutrition, exercise and supplements based on point 1
  3. Review a period of 2-3 weeks of progress from point 2
  4. An individual psychedelic ceremony (unless a group has additional use or preference)
  5. Discussion of the truffle ceremony on the same day
  6. After about 1-2 weeks there will be another discussion

What others say about trip therapy

A customer's story can often tell more about what we do than what we write about ourselves.

Read here all reviews from our “customers”

Are you curious about what we can do for you?

Before you register with us, it is best to learn as much as possible about trip therapy. Trip therapy works best when someone is ready for it. Of course, we are ready to help you if you are ready to make your life more pleasant and healthier through physical health and psychedelic therapy. You can expect the best personal service available from us.

Read more about this here for whom psychedelic therapy is suitable

Do you have questions?

Would you like to know more about what we do and who we are? You can ask us any questions you may have. This can be done via the options below. Choose a medium that you feel comfortable with.

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