Ayahuasca brew
Ayahuasca is a brew from the Amazon where two plants are usually boiled according to an ancient recipe. This brew contains DMT, a substance that can cause hallucinations and visions. In ancient traditions, ayahuasca was mainly used for spiritual and medicinal reasons. Thanks to its strong hallucinatory effects, ayahuasca has now become widely known in the West, also as a potential medicine for various ailments.
Ayahuasca documentaries
Due to the increased interest in ayahuasca, more and more documentaries about ayahuasca are also being released. In this article, we list some recently released documentaries about ayahuasca on Netflix and some others that can be viewed on YouTube.
We previously made a top 8 documentaries about psychedelics, and ayahuasca featured in it. You can watch these top 8 films on ayahuasca, LSD, mescaline, psilocybin and magic mushrooms via the button below.
Ayahuasca documentary on Netflix
There are new so very many recently released documentaries about ayahuasca, but 2024 released one. Ancient Apocalypse is the documentary in question and was released on Netflix this month! We list below some documentaries you might want to watch.
Ancient Apocalypse
Released in 2024
Season 2 episode 5: The Americas Chapter V
In the episode on ayahuasca of the documentary Ancient Apocalypse
journalist Graham Hancock explores the meaning and uses of ayahuasca.
This episode on ayahuasca deals a lot with the connections between art, geometry, entities and the spiritual connection with ancestors. It also looks at the similarities with other fields, where the same psychedelic or geometric patterns recur.
Overall, you could say that this documentary is less about the therapeutic side of ayahuasca and more about finding connections between civilisations from ancient times.
Released in 2020
Season 1 episode 5: Ayahuasca
The episode on ayahuasca shows why people take ayahuasca trips to have spiritual and therapeutic experiences. It features interviews with people who have used ayahuasca and highlights their personal stories. Also featured are some practitioners who lead ayahuasca ceremonies and explain how they work.
It also focuses on the possible risks and side effects of ayahuasca. The documentary highlights some cases of people who have had negative experiences after taking ayahuasca. It also discusses the possible interaction between ayahuasca and certain medications or health problems.
The aim of the episode is to give a balanced view of the different perspectives on ayahuasca. While positive experiences are shown, it also highlights that using ayahuasca is not without risks and that it is important to do so with proper guidance and precautions.
Ayahuasca documentaries on Youtube
There are also a lot of interesting YouTube videos that deal with Ayahuasca. The list below is just a sample of the total range of films and documentaries. We think at least the videos below are interesting and worth mentioning because they each paint a unique picture on how ayahuasca is used for different reasons.
Released in 2018
Season 2 episode 2: The Psychedelic Experience
MindField is an excellent way to learn more about the brain, social aspects of people and also what psychedelic experiences are like, such as ayahuasca.
In the MindField episode titled "Psychedelics," Michael Stevens explores the impact of psychedelic substances on the human mind. He dives deep into the scientific and experimental sides of psychedelics, with a specific focus on ayahuasca. Stevens explores how these substances can alter an individual's perception, consciousness and emotional state.
The episode shows how psychedelics like ayahuasca have been used for thousands of years by indigenous cultures for spiritual and healing purposes. Michael Stevens takes you to the Amazon where he participates in a traditional ayahuasca ceremony under the guidance of a shaman. The experience is described in detail, including the intense visual and emotional reactions that often occur.
Released in 2019
The Nature of Ayahuasca Documentary
The Nature of Ayahuasca is a documentary that shows the uses and effects of ayahuasca. It shows the ayahuasca experiences of Westerners participating in ayahuasca ceremonies led by local curanderos and the challenges they face during their healing process.
Once again, the documentary shows the history surrounding ayahuasca. Furthermore, you see the preparation, integration and future of ayahuasca, and the different motives and attitudes of people seeking these experiences.
What is good about this documentary is that it names the suggestiveness associated with ayahuasca and the ceremonies. People are more likely to be open to subtle suggestions, and during an ayahuasca journey, this is more likely to come alive.
Ayhauasca therapy
As you have read in this blog, ayahausca is often seen as therapy. People often use ayahuasca to reduce various mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety disorders and addictions. Whether this works is partly supported by scientific research that has shown the potency of ayahuasca as a therapeutic agent.
A study conducted in 2018 by Palhano-Fontes et al showed that ayahuasca significantly reduced symptoms of depression in participants. The treatment resulted in increased mood and improved overall quality of life. Moreover, a long-term effect was observed, with positive changes still present six months after treatment.
Ayahuasca has also shown promising results for anxiety disorders. A study led by Osório et al in 2015 found that ayahuasca significantly reduced anxiety symptoms in patients with generalised anxiety disorder. The treatment was found to be more effective than placebo and the positive results persisted for up to three months after treatment.
Furthermore, there has also been research on the effectiveness of ayahuasca in treating addictions. A recent study conducted by Thomas et al in 2020 showed that ayahuasca can help reduce cravings and make it easier to get rid of alcohol addiction. Several participants also reported improvements in their psychological well-being and personal development.
Guided ayahuasca ceremony by shaman
An ayahuasca ceremony is at its best when an experienced shaman guides the ceremony. Someone who upholds ancient traditions and knows the customs well is therefore an advantage. In the Netherlands, shamans are sometimes flown in from Peru to guide ayahuasca ceremonies. Still, for the experience it seems better to do an ayahuasca ceremony in a country where it is legal and you can do it in the Amazon jungle. That way you get the most authentic ayahuasca experience and increase the chances of a 'real' shaman helping you. For such a traditional ayahuasca experience, Peru seems to be the best choice.

Ayahuasca ceremony Netherlands
So in the Netherlands, it is illegal to possess ayahuasca or do an ayahuasca ceremony. Still, you will come across several providers who still offer it, some of whom are professional and others more focused on making money off a hype. As we told you earlier, it is better to attend an ayahuasca ceremony in the Amazon. In the Netherlands, you are better off using legal alternatives that may be safer and legal.
Legal alternatives to ayahuasca
There are legal alternatives that mimic the effects of Ayahuasca. These often give about the same visions and require less preparation such as a special diet. Furthermore, they are often safer because there are fewer interactions with food, supplements or medication.
Truffle ceremony
In a high-dose truffle ceremony, the peak of the trip can be similar to the ayahuasca experience. The advantage of a truffle ceremony is that no special diet is needed and that it is safer, as it can sometimes be combined with various medications. Also, you can influence the intensity of the trip well with the dosage.
Psilohuasca ceremony
Psilohuasca is popular as a legal alternative to ayahuasca. This MAO inhibitor like ayahuasca is used to make psilocybin work longer. As a disadvantage, vomiting, diarrhoea and other physical discomforts occur and you need to be on a special diet, just like ayahuasca.
Psiloflora ceremony
Our preferred alternative to the ayahuasca ceremony is psiloflora. Psiloflora gives similar visions, but the added MAO inhibitor is mild and does not require a special diet. Furthermore, physical discomforts are much less common with ayahuasca and the psychedelic journey generally feels a bit kinder and gentler than with the other variants.