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Mushrooms and magic truffles contain psilocybin and psilocin

Mushrooms, truffles, psilohuasca and psiloflora all contain psilocybin/psilocin and fall into the group of mind-altering and hallucinogenic substances. Mushrooms and magic truffles contain the same active substances. The effects vary and depend, among other things, on your personal sensitivity, character, your mood, the drug and the dose. The active substances psilocin and psilocybin are very similar to the body's own serotonin (the neurotransmitter). Our body converts psilocybin into psilocin. Psilocin can then mimic serotonin at the serotonin receptor, called the 5HT2a receptor. The higher stimulation of the receptors causes the effects of magic mushrooms.

Less serotonin

When serotonin is deficient, it causes depression, anxiety, restlessness, cravings for sweets (which lowers serotonin even more) and even more ailments. All this creates a negative spiral in which you are susceptible to unhealthy addictions and it is almost impossible to get out of this negative spiral unless you drastically change course.

For more in-depth information about serotonin, read our blog here: serotonin and happiness.  



Temporarily high levels of serotonin, psilocin and psilocybin

By doing a trip session with mushrooms or magic truffles, you temporarily increase the stimulation of the serotonin receptors under supervision, so that the negative feelings of a serotonin deficiency disappear into the background. The extent to which we increase that stimulation therefore influences your mood and experience. The intensity of this experience is divided into trip levels.

Our services

We offer various trips with various trip levels. We use truffle tea or psiloflora tea in which we have the best and strongest psilocybin containing truffles in combination with herbal minerals and vitamins. Below is an overview of which trip levels and effects can approximately be expected with the following services.

Truffle ceremonyTrip levelDuration (h)Eligibility
Low dose1-22-3Beginner
Medium dose3-43-5Beginner
High dose4-54-6Some experience
Heroic dose55-8More experienced
Psiloflora ceremony
Psiloflora normal*4-55-8Some experience
Extended Psiloflora**4-58-10Some experience

* Psiloflora is a mix of magic truffles and passion flower (mild MAOi)
** The Extended Psiloflora ceremony is an extended ceremony with 5 additional natural remedies that make the trip deeper and longer

Trip level 1 (Low dose)

During trip level 1, the negative feelings of serotonin depression disappear. Because the communication of the hemispheres of the brain changes, music will sound deeper, colors will become brighter and the environment will become more tangible. Your senses are open. During this phase one is more open and socially engaged and you begin to become open and honest with others and yourself.

Trip level 2 (Low dose)

Brighter perception of colors, visuals such as the movement and “breathing” of objects, walls, etc. With closed eyes, 2-dimensional patterns can be observed. Due to changes in short-term memory, the user experiences continuous distracting thought patterns, alternating with extreme focus. The natural filter in the brain is bypassed, which increases creativity, among other things. During this phase, cross-connections can already be discovered. Cross-connections about, for example, why certain things happen and how you can deal with them.

Trip level 3 (Medium dose)

Very clearly visible visuals, everything seems bent or distorted. Patterns can be seen on walls, objects, faces, etc. Mild hallucinations, such as the effect of flowing rivers in wood grains or other structures. Some confusion of the senses, for example seeing sound as color, etc. Time distorts, making everything seem to take place in the “now”. From this level it is already possible to connect with the subconscious brain, while it can still be controlled very well. There may be fears in the subconscious that cause stress without people consciously realizing it. This level is useful to combat those fears from the subconscious. Fears often come from the past and/or the future. These fears are not realistic at the moment and acceptance is possible during this trip level.

Trip level 4 (High dose)

Strong hallucinations, such as objects morphing into other objects. Perception of the ego fades, for example objects can start talking to you or you feel contradictory things at the same time. Some loss of reality, time becomes an incomprehensible concept. Possible experience of out-of-body experience. Mixing stimuli from different senses. Because of the loss of ego and therefore the loss of self-protection, one is harsh but honest about oneself during this phase. Problems can be addressed and given a place. The connection with the subconscious is very high at this trip level, which means that a lot can be learned about who someone is, while it seems as if it is someone else because of the loss of ego.

Trip level 5 (High dose)

Total loss of visual connection with reality, senses no longer work in the “normal” way. A total loss of ego. Users feel themselves merging with space, other objects or the universe. The loss of reality becomes so bad that it is difficult to explain or put into words. This level differs from the other levels in that the actual universe in which things are located ceases to exist. During this phase there is absolutely no control possible from the ego. The connection with the subconscious is now maximum. There's nothing to hide. It is, as it were, a dream that you cannot influence yourself. This phase can give you insights in an initially incomprehensible way. Level 5 trippers often call the trip experiences mystical, the most beautiful experience of their lives or frightening. Control freaks in particular find it scary at first. It is not wise to immediately start doing trip level 5 without experience with psychedelics.

Heroic dose (Heroic dose)

A Heroic dose of psychedelics ensures a prolonged stay in trip level 5 that does not last minutes but possibly an hour or more. Dissolving the ego (ego death) for an extended period of time is compared by some to a near-death experience and rebirth. Others compare it to a prolonged DMT trip. One thing is certain that the connection with regular reality completely disappears during the peak of the trip. During the coming down from a heroic dose, there is often talk of a lot of gratitude and love for life.

A Heroic dose of psychedelics ensures a prolonged stay in trip level 5 that does not last minutes but possibly an hour or more. Dissolving the ego (ego death) for an extended period of time is compared by some to a near-death experience and rebirth. Others compare it to a prolonged DMT trip. One thing is certain that the connection with regular reality completely disappears during the peak of the trip. During the coming down from a heroic dose, there is often talk of a lot of gratitude and love for life.


End of trip

No matter how deep your trip has gone, you will always slowly return to the lower trip levels. A level 5 trip always passes levels 4, 3, 2 and 1, after which you gently land back in reality. You will retain all knowledge, ideas, insights. Other things that once seemed incomprehensible can suddenly start to land, even weeks after the trip session. Most people who do such a trip will permanently maintain a more open character and feel more connected to the environment and the people they live with. There will also be an improvement on a physical level. The increased stimulation of the 5HT2a receptor ensures neurogenesis. This means that the brain and nerve cells can repair and even create new ones, which ensures a better connected brain (mind-expanding).

More info about neurogenesis through nutrition, exercise and trip therapy


Possibilities of trip therapy

The biggest advantage of a trip therapy session is that through introspection (looking within yourself) we can guide you to change your self-image. Many addictions, fears, stress, depression and other personal problems arise from a (negative) incorrect self-image, from non-real thoughts or from subconscious stress, which is caused by fears in the subconscious. You should give yourself the best based on nutrition, thought and exercise and we also work on that before, during and after a trip. You are worthy of being the best version of yourself.

Read more about this here our method


Various science-based “use cases”


More than just tripping

Because we believe that trip therapy can put you on the right path, but that trip therapy is only the beginning of a positive spiral, we regularly create blogs and news items to help with lasting results. This is something we want to give and share in order to create a “better world” with more happiness.

Our blog, news items and information can be read without advertising here.

Advice on trip level and type of psychedelics

Would you like to undergo a psychedelic trip for its healing therapeutic effects or for personal and/or spiritual growth? We can give you advice on which drug and trip level suits your purpose and experience well. Feel free to contact us via the options in the footer below.

Reservation date for trip

You can book all our services via our site. Use the form below to book an individual psilohuasca ceremony.

Reservations and price list of all our services