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Outcome of a triplevel 3 truffle ceremony with a personal approach

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May 27, 2019

On May 27, 2019, our customer Debbster will undergo a truffle ceremony with a personal approach. By a personal approach we mean that we organize an individual truffle ceremony with an eye for personal goals. For example, one goal of this trip was to let go of insecurities incurred in the past and to be happy with the present. Be happy with the person she is today.

For registration

Debbster initially felt that trip therapy would not be for her. First of all, she obviously didn't know what to expect. After a colleague of hers told her that it was a great experience, she became curious about what it could do for her and she was convinced.

First a walk to get acquainted

The goals we set were achieved during a walk and talk in the South Kennemerland National Park. Through an open conversation we both knew where there was work to be done and immediate advice could be given about, for example, movement and body postures to feel more confident. This was part of the preparatory work.

south kennemerland -Result of a trip level 3 truffle ceremony with a personal approach


Later, other words emerge about what can be achieved. Here are the quotes


“I've been thinking for a while, I especially want to find out who I am during the trip”


“Because I do certain things out of principles or how I have become, while that may not be me at all”


Working on myself with the things I've been through, dealing with my boyfriend's ex and his daughter, work and my boyfriend”


My vomit phobia also occurs there and my stomach “



Even more preparation

It may sound crazy, but videos like this one have a positive effect during the trip via the subconscious. This video along with some other suggestive and subtle manipulation (sorry for the manipulation) helps bring about change.

The trip itself

Debbster's trip was both visual and emotional. It is rare for someone to laugh so hard when a virtual block falls over during the hallucinations. We had such fun doing that. But afterwards we also went through a lot of sadness together with joy. The sadness that was visually announced by dark clouds. Debbster couldn't tell me where it came from at the time, but I have the feeling that it found a place anyway. Later in the trip a green swamp was also experienced. Does this have anything to do with the vomit phobia?

Quotes from Debbster after the trip

Some quotes from Debbster after the trip tell part of the story and show a beautiful change in which peace and security predominate. In chronological order during the month after the trip.

“But I swear it was really very intense but also very beautiful”


” But do other people experience this as intensely as what I just had? “


“I'm just chilling and painting”


“And everyone I let into my life should see it as a party because I don't need anyone”


“I have to say that you were very sweet during my crying session”


“#happy with myself”

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“my green swamp”


" Tomorrow! I always had a vague trait with stress or something and that was eating the inside of my lip, so to speak, I don't do that anymore."


“Still the wonderful relaxed positive feeling”


“Wow, how grateful I am to you”


“I'm still relaxed and just no stress, no worries, no eating the inside of my lip, really wonderful”


“I also feel very good because I am making more time for myself with sports, for example”


A month after the trip

A month after the trip, the effect is still so positive that the positive effect of the trip may even be reflected in newly applied tattoos. The messages of the tattoos in combination with the thinking behind them really make this story a success.

approval -Result of a trip level 3 truffle ceremony with a personal approach

What else others say about our approach to trip therapy

A customer story like the one in this blog can often tell more about what we do than what we write about ourselves. Also read the reviews from other customers

Read here all other reviews from our “customers”

Are you curious about what we can do for you?

Before you register with us, it is best to learn as much as possible about trip therapy. Trip therapy works best when someone is ready for it. Of course, we are ready to help you if you are ready to make your life more pleasant and healthier through physical health and psychedelic therapy. You can expect the best personal service available from us.

Read more about this here for whom psychedelic therapy is suitable

Register immediately?

You can use the reservation system to see when we can book you in. Please note that in most cases we can have the truffle ceremony take place two weeks after registration and intake due to the preparatory work such as lifestyle coaching.

Click here to first see what kind of service you can expect from us for each service offered

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