No more participants needed!
Triptherapie has been approached to collaborate on a documentary about how psychedelics can contribute to the treatment of psychological problems. We would like to do our part to make the world more aware that psychedelics are a powerful tool for various psychological complaints/conditions. For this production, we are also looking for people who will undergo the therapy, whereby images can be made of the period before, during and after the psychedelic session. Would you like to see images of you on television (expectedly on one of the NPO channels) and would you like to participate in this? Please read the text below and respond.
There are currently no more participants required for this program.

We have also helped before
We have also previously assisted in various productions about psychedelics and their effect on the brain. Tripherapie will soon be heard during a podcast about psychedelic use at work and we also hope to be able to help with Psychedelic pioneering in collaboration with you. Psychedelic therapy will become increasingly applicable. Below you will find the productions already available.
Productions already released: