The trip session
After collecting information about Matthijs, Matthijs and I, trip coach Marcel, decided to do a trip level 3 trip session on January 5, 2019. The purpose of the trip was clear; namely to have a more positive outlook on life by getting rid of fears caused by a negative self-image.

After the session
Matthijs is now doing well through nutrition, supplements and exercise advice and I am proud of that.
We are now a week and a half further and Matthijs has deliberately waited before writing a review. Now a week and a half after the trip he wants to share this review.
What Matthijs writes about me
“I had a very nice trip with Marcel. I wanted to investigate what a trip could do for me, after I had come across some difficult parts in my life that I couldn't really find the answer to. My fears often stopped me from following my feelings. Since I believe that all the answers lie within, I wanted to experience it for myself. After consulting with Marcel about which trip level could help, I had a wonderful and enlightening experience. Because my head, ego and fears dissolved, I ended up completely in my own feelings. Because of this I have had many realizations and breakthroughs, even many days after the trip. My brain has really had a reset and a lot of space has been created. Thanks to Marcel's good guidance, I had a great experience! Thank you, it has made my life a lot lighter and I feel more relaxed and happy :)”
You can find all reviews here
Reviews about coach Marcel can be seen here
Mutual gratitude
I am also grateful to Matthijs. For the trust and the nice review. The fact that I was able to help you also makes me happy. Whoever gives something to someone else also gives something to himself. Together we can make the world a bit more pleasant for ourselves and others.
Are you interested?
We offer safe and legal trip therapy by using magic truffles with guidance from a trip coach. Magic truffles have all the psychedelic benefits there are and magic truffles are harmless to the body.
Read more about this here how a trip works with mushrooms or magic truffles
Here you will find more information about how we work.
You can register for a trip session via the intake form.
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