Truffle therapy with magic truffles

Magic truffles

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Truffle therapy

Truffle therapy and mushroom therapy fall under psychedelic therapy. This is a therapeutic trip session using magic mushrooms and/or truffles. Thanks to its mind-altering effects, the brain can act more effectively to combat anxiety and depression.

Magic truffles -Truffle therapy with magic truffles
Magic truffles make it possible to contact the subconscious

Mushrooms and truffles are drugs!

Magic mushrooms have indeed been designated as illegal drugs. Not so much because they are dangerous to health, but more because they are dangerous to the economic returns of, among other things, the medicine industry.

damage drugs -Truffle therapy with magic truffles
Mushrooms and truffles are the safest of all drugs

Read more about the here safety of mushrooms and truffles.

Truffle therapy

Because mushrooms have been declared illegal in the Netherlands, we do our trip sessions with magic truffles. Magic truffles have exactly the same active ingredients as magic mushrooms and magic truffles are legal. When we talk about mushroom therapy or psilocybin therapy, we use magic truffles and it is therefore called truffle therapy.

What does truffle therapy help with?

Various scientific studies support our vision based on experience. Our trip therapy can be used for:

  • Improve low self-esteem
  • Anti-anxiety
  • Depression treatment
  • Combating burnout
  • Resolve mild addictions

How trip therapy works

Psilocybin therapy works in the same way as ayahuasca works, just slightly differently.

Read the difference here ayahuasca and magic mushrooms.

Psilocybin is very similar to the body's own serotonin. Serotonin causes the opposite of depression. That is satisfaction. With increased stimulation of the serotonin receptor, the brain goes into a state of hyperconnectivity. This also happens to a lesser extent when you start dreaming. During the state of hyperconnectivity, various parts of the brain can communicate (better) with each other. Problems in the subconscious can become visible and it can be given a place.

psylocybin brain connections -Truffle therapy with magic truffles
On the left a schematic representation of the connections in the brain without psilocybin and on the right with psilocybin

You can find more information about this here how psilocybin works.

Even more information?

Feel free to take our other blogs by for information. You can also google the effects of psilocybin and how it can make therapy more efficient. Of course you can also ask us questions. You can ask questions via the public comments or via the contact form.