Back to my roots
I, Marcel, have finished my facebook page shared a video about psychedelics and their medicinal value. I shared this on May 16, 2015. Now almost four years later, psychedelics as medicine are still a bit of a hot topic. Weed as medication is now partly established and I expect that magic truffles and mushrooms will still need a few years to become socially accepted.

Back to the roots of psychological medication
The fact that psychedelics had been used for centuries before the current drug industry took over seems to have been forgotten. The oldest evidence of mushroom use is between 9,000 and 11,000 years ago.
The shared video
Here is the very first video that I shared at the time to underline the beneficial effect of magic mushrooms.
Spread the word!
Let the world know that there are more options than all those chemical medications with side effects. Nature offers us everything we need. Share this message!???