Who is trip therapy with psilocybin suitable for?

triptherpy reasons

Table of contents

Why would you want to do trip therapy?

We offer our services to make our customers feel safe and satisfied. We want everyone to benefit from it. The objective of a trip session can differ per person. We give various reasons for doing a trip session in combination with psilocybin:

  • Because of the positive reports of the results of scientific research, people become interested in experiencing it for themselves
  • Because a healthier lifestyle is needed and trip therapy can contribute to greater self-esteem.
  • People suffer from anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and found that medication and/or conventional therapy did not work well
  • People have heard or read that addictions, such as smoking, can be remedied.
  • They want to explore the connection between mind and body and make the subconscious conscious
  • Because psychedelics can provide emotional, physical and spiritual healing and turn to them as a last-ditch effort at healing
  • Because a trip session can cause psychological and spiritual growth
  • For becoming a more open and social individualistic person
  • To make contact with what one believes in (religion/universe/etc.)
  • To cope with death and loss
  • To evaluate oneself without self-protection
  • To find the meaning of life or other goals
  • To improve overall well-being
  • To get rid of all worries and be able to live happily again
reasons for trip therapy -For whom is trip therapy with psilocybin suitable?

For whom is trip therapy not suitable?

We want to help everyone, but unfortunately we can't. Unfortunately, we have to reject individuals who:

  • Be younger than 21 years (preferably older than 23 years)
  • Are or have recently been psychotic
  • Being schizophrenic
  • Taking SSRIs, MAOIs, TCAs or other psychoactive medications (these medications must be reduced first)
  • Serious heart complaints and/or receiving medication for cardiovascular function

Read more about this here the combination of trip therapy with medication

General policy

Before we accept a client for a trip session, it is important that he or she takes a neurotransmitter test that we offer via our site. In the case of serious deviations, balance must first be worked on. We can advise on nutrition and/or supplements. We do this to maximize the results of trip therapy.

More information about our method

Are you curious about what we can do for you?

Before you register with us, it is best to learn as much as possible about trip therapy. Trip therapy works best when someone is ready for it. Of course, we are ready to help you if you are ready to make your life more pleasant and healthier through physical health and psychedelic therapy. You can expect the best personal service available from us.

Read more about this here for whom psychedelic therapy is suitable

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Would you like to know more about what we do and who we are? You can ask us any questions you may have. This can be done via the options below. Choose a medium that you feel comfortable with.

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