PWO is the abbreviation for Pre WorkOut. A Pre workout is a supplement that an athlete takes before training and can achieve better performance thanks to the ingredients. Pre-workouts come in many different combinations of active ingredients and unfortunately there are also some that are not healthy.
Amphetamines in PWO
Various studies have found amphetamines such as DMAA, DMBA, DMHA and BMPEA in PWOs. Every time these are discovered and declared illegal, manufacturers come up with new variants. The cash register should be ringing and the amphetamines make it seem like the product is working well. Unfortunately, these amphetamines make users ill in the long term. In some cases, its use has even led to the deaths of frequent PWO users.
Who can you still trust?
The Dutch Doping Authority has released a supplement guide App via its website Through this app you can see which supplements are safe.
You can download the Supplement Guide App in the App Store and Google Play Store.
Make your own natural PWO
Making your own pre-workout is also fun to do once. In addition to performance-enhancing substances, a natural pro workout also contains other substances such as vitamins and minerals that increase overall health. Better health will lead to even better sports performance in the long term.
Our PWO recipe
For this recipe you will need a blender and the following foods:
- 200 Grams of watermelon (without rind)
- Half a peeled pomegranate (including skins)
- 150 ml beetroot juice
- Teaspoon of ceylon cinnamon

Throw the above products into a blender and mix well so that the hard seeds of the pomegranate are also reasonably drinkable. Drink it half an hour before exercising.
How does this PWO work?
About pomegranate we wrote earlier. Pomegranate and beet juice increase nitric oxide or NO. NO dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow to the muscles, extends the time that muscle fibers can sustain intensive exercise and probably also plays a key role in muscle growth. Pomegranate also increases testosterone levels for more muscle growth and, together with watermelon, prevents inflammation due to metabolic stress. Watermelon contains iron, potassium and vitamin C, which help the muscles work better, and contains Citrulline to promote fat burning. Cinnamon is used to keep blood sugar levels stable.
What else you can add
There are some additional ingredients that can make a PWO even more powerful. So you can vary the basic PWO described above.
- Beta Alanine (2.5 grams)
- L-Carnitine (3 grams)
- Caffeine (150mg or 1 cup of coffee)
- Green tea (1 cup)
- Creatine (5 grams)
You can also drink green tea or coffee (not both) separately 15 minutes before training. Beta Alanine and L-Carnitine are performance-enhancing amino acids and play a role in the energy supply of muscle cells.
Nice workout
Have you had a super workout? Let others know how it went and share this message with others. Good luck!
Intra Workout
We also have a herbal recipe that can be used as an intra workout. This recipe works well in combination with this PWO
Read more about the healthy one here IWO based on herbs