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Recent Q&A questions
Can truffle therapy with a psychologist?
I want to do magic truffles under the supervision of a psychologist. Do you offer this or can I bring my own psychologist for during the truffle session?
No to little effect of truffles and MDMA
Why do I feel little effect from psychedelics like truffles and MDMA?
Neglected burnout: solve with psychedelic sessions?
Can you solve neglected burnout with psychedelic therapy?
Tyramine: What is it and why is it dangerous?
Why should you watch out for tyramine if you want to attend a psychedelic ceremony like ayahuasca, psiloflora or psilohuasca?
Best films on mushrooms
What films are fun to watch while tripping on psilocybin mushrooms?
What is synesthesia?
What does synesthesia mean and what does it have to do with psychedelics like LSD, MDMA and psilocybin?
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