What is nocebo?
Nocebo is the opposite of placebo, where nocebo promotes pain or symptoms through the power of suggestion and placebo often activates the body's self-healing capacity. In this blog we want to explain that placebo and nocebo are more than just “in our heads”. This can explain how nocebo works in case of pain YouTube video being watched.
From Nocebo to placebo?
We can actually change our physical state with our thoughts. We do this with the help of chemical messengers (hormones). Cortisol plays a major role in stress and blocking the immune system, which ultimately blocks the self-healing mechanism. How this works is explained very well in this one YouTube video.
How can psychedelics help?
Psychedelics influence certain areas in the brain to make them more or less active. The Default Mode Network (DMN) becomes less active and therefore people who take a higher dose of psilocybin experience a connection with everything. It seems as if the past, present and future merge into the eternal now. This psychedelic state activates the body's self-healing capacity through the absence of stress. Other people experience a mind reset after a high dose of psilocybin, which reduces stress. As crazy as it sounds, psychedelics could be the secret to placebo. In other words, psychedelics can actively induce the state that placebos want to do, but the various psychedelics are not placebos. In addition to these “placebo” effects, a higher dose of psilocybin provides more neuroplasticity by increasing the brain-healing hormone BDNF. The better connection of the brain in combination with insights from the psychedelic session is a kickstart for positive change.
Read more about this here BDNF, the default mode network and other ways psychedelics work.
What else can you do?
All the properties that a good psychedelic session offers in combination with everything that reduces stress is the road to a healthy body and mind. Are there factors in your life that cause stress on an emotional, physical or biochemical level? Try to eliminate these as much as possible. See some examples of stress causes below.

Trip therapy something for you?
Triptherapie.nl is unfortunately one of the few providers that does more than just supervise psychedelic sessions. We believe that if we tackle all factors at the same time, the success rate will ultimately be much higher if we only take psychedelics. We mainly focus on finding solutions by bringing about a change, a certain transformation. For us it starts with the intake and neurotransmitter test. If we can get the neurochemistry more stable in advance, the effect of all parts of our services, including the psychedelic session, will work synergistically better as a whole.
Do you want to change nocebo to placebo?