Open or private ceremony with psychedelics?
At Trip Therapy it is possible to participate monthly in an open psychedelic ceremony where you participate in a truffle ceremony (psilocybin), psiloflora ceremony or an MDMA group session. You participate in these ceremonies together with other unknown people. Another option is to put together a group yourself, where you can embark on the adventure together with people you know.
On this page we explain what we consider important when organizing a group ceremony. At the bottom of the page we list the advantages and disadvantages of the open and private ceremonies so that a better choice can be made about what type of ceremony best suits your wishes.
What we find important in psychedelic group ceremonies
Physical safety is the most important and second is the results that come from the psychedelic ceremonies. Thirdly, we want everyone to have a wonderful experience, where you also feel heard if necessary. Increasing your chances of a valuable experience requires attention and preparation. Here is a summary of what we consider important and how we work:
- Safety: Although truffles are the safest drugs/plant medicine we know, dangerous combinations are possible with a number of medications. Some conditions are also incompatible with psychedelics. We screen our participants through an intake to prevent unsafe interactions.
- Health: We also use the intake to see where there is still room to live a healthier life. We provide personal advice to stimulate physical health.
- Neurochemistry: The neurotransmitters in the brain determine the state of mind but also how well a psychedelic trip goes. Our personal advice also includes tips to balance neurochemistry.
- Preparation: Finally, based on the intake, we provide some homework, such as reading books or watching films. The information that you consciously or unconsciously store can revive during the ceremony and develop into a new insight or solution.
- Theme ceremony: We give each open psychedelic ceremony a general theme that you can use in your own way. The theme of the ceremony also provides space to engage in conversation with each other during the meeting phase and introductory conversation on the day of the ceremony.
- Group size: We think it is important that the group is neither too large nor too small. We achieve the best results with groups of 3-8 participants because there is a group feeling, but not too big to see yourself as one of many.
- Personal space: At the locations where we organize psychedelic ceremonies, we always have a shared space for the group, but we also organize it in such a way that if you need your own place, you can retreat to your own space.
- Accompaniment: Experienced guidance gives peace of mind to confidence. We always ensure that there is at least one supervisor with at least two years of experience. We also apply the rule that there must be at least one supervisor per 4 participants. This way everyone can receive the right attention.
- Dosage: Because the result is important, we always want to create an experience that is useful to you. During our truffle and psiloflora ceremonies we offer an extra intake during the first hour if we think it is necessary. This way we ensure that the effects are neither too strong nor too mild.
- Music: The music can take you to the emotions you need to let go of things and grow. During the higher dose sessions you can melt into the music and that is why we pay a lot of care to the playlist. We have multiple playlists and we choose them based on the needs of the participants.
- Introspection: Also during the psychedelic ceremonies for groups, the idea is to turn inward and make your own journey during the peak phase of the effects of the truffles. This introspection is the most important part of the ceremony and we spend an average of between 2 and 4 hours on this.
- Fun and experience: Psychedelic ceremonies can, in addition to being serious, also be a beautiful playful experience.
- Food and drink: The food we provide after the open ceremonies must match what we want to radiate, namely natural and healthy. With healthy food we want you to experience that good taste and health can go together and inspire you to continue with this yourself.
- Integration: We have room for discussion immediately after the ceremony but also by telephone days after the ceremony. We think along with you about how you can integrate the insights from your truffle ceremony into daily life.

Choose between an open or private ceremony
Psychedelic sessions and ceremonies work best if you can surrender to the situation during the peak of the effect of the psychedelic substances. If you can do this best with people you know, a private ceremony is a better choice. However, if you like to have a group feeling, but also like that you don't just encounter these people in normal life, then the open group offers more. So look at what you like.
Open psychedelic ceremony
We organize the open psychedelic ceremonies monthly at our own locations. Each ceremony has its own theme and we have a maximum group size of 8 participants for the psiloflora and truffle ceremonies. A maximum of 6 people can participate in the MDMA group sessions. The open ceremonies are great for meeting new like-minded people and saving costs compared to the individual sessions. Read more about the open ceremonies via the button below:
Private psychedelic ceremony
The advantages of a private ceremony are choosing your own group, the number of participants, the location, the theme and the structure of the ceremony. A private ceremony is therefore a more tailor-made service where we take into account the wishes and intentions of the group. All psychedelics that you can choose for individual sessions can also be chosen during the private ceremonies. Read more about the private ceremonies via the following link: