Personal depression and the state of the earth
Never before have so many people been gloomy, depressed or depressed as now. The Coronavirus has added to this over the past year. If you look at the state of the earth you can see that the nature of the earth has been brought into crisis mainly by human actions. In this blog we try to find the connections between the many cases of depression, the state of the earth and what satisfaction plus connection can do to help people and thus positively influence the state of the earth.
Nature is having a hard time
As humans, we do not see the fact that the world and nature are having an increasingly difficult time changing any time soon, after all, we cannot see our nails growing. We are blind to the slow effects we as a species exert on the climate and environment. Maybe we need a time-lapse to see the impact of the changes. The changes over a lifetime are clearly visible. A nice documentary about this issue can be seen on Netflix and is called David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet. Besides the things we are not doing right, the end of the documentary is about possible solutions.

Why is the economy more important than our living environment?
A number of things play a role in this. Let's first start with the following question: “You can burn 1% of all oxygen to mine bitcoin with the released energy, making you the richest person on earth, would you do that”? The answer to this question is often 'yes'. What if we presented this opportunity to a million people? Do you see the parallels with what we are currently doing? All wealth currently comes directly or indirectly from nature and its consumption. The richer you are, the greater your share of the earth's health. The disadvantage of today's society is that individualism and personal goals/growth are rewarded. It is, as it were, a rat race towards the destruction of the collective in order to supposedly have a better chance of survival. Apart from individualism, the current economic system, which works by passing on debts to subsequent generations, ensures that we need population growth. Without population growth, the economic deck of cards will collapse. Our economic system is an inflationary pyramid game with population numbers. Society and the economic system have hacked people and are playing on fear and dissatisfaction. There is always better what you should need to be happy. All successful companies respond to that personal reward system, of which we always need a new shot. This leads to a spiral of wanting more and less satisfaction. Wanting things also creates a separation between the individual and the rest because the ego becomes increasingly stronger. You get a shot of dopamine every time you think you have achieved a personal goal, but it will never give you real happiness. We will start to take more and more for ourselves.
Connection and separation
The fact that we see ourselves as something different from the rest of the universe is useful for allowing our code to exist, our DNA. So it is a useful illusion and that is why it is also incorporated into our DNA code. It allows us to survive as individuals. When the illusion that we are different from the rest becomes too great, the urge for personal gain, loneliness, anxiety and depression arises. It is precisely the connection with everything that can make our lives more beautiful, while we also take better care of the world around us. The following video provides information about what the difference would be between separation and connection with our environment.
Dopamine vs serotonin
Dopamine plays a role in addictions such as gambling, alcohol, coke and therefore everything that has to do with personal gain. The need for too much dopamine in a global and personal sense causes self-destruction, climate change, poverty, separation and depression. So the urge for more is dissatisfaction. True happiness is based on satisfaction and connection. While the urge for a lot of dopamine causes a lot of negativity, serotonin provides connection, satisfaction and therefore happiness and a healthy living environment. We see dopamine and serotonin as two opposites that must be in good balance together. The problem now, however, is that the balance is moving in the direction of dopamine, with all its consequences. To learn more, check out the differences between dopamine and serotonin in the following video.
Dopamine detox and psychedelics
To improve the ratio between dopamine and serotonin, we sometimes combine a dopamine detox with a psychedelic session. For these types of sessions we use psilocybin-containing truffles because psilocybin is converted to psilocin after ingestion and is therefore most similar to serotonin among psychedelics. The dopamine detox as a preparation ensures less dependence on dopamine and the psychedelic session shows what it feels like to experience increased serotonin receptor stimulation. Such a psychedelic session can let you experience what it is like to be connected to everything, which means satisfaction and happiness and can reduce the dependence on dopamine. In addition to these effects, many more positive effects play a role. If you are interested in the positive effects of psychedelic sessions you can also read the following blogs.
Dopamine Detox | Positive effects of psilocybin | Return of psilocybin as medicine | Who is psilocybin suitable for?
Why we do this work
A healthier living environment starts with the individuals. We believe that if we heal individuals from the urge for fake happiness and thus self-destruction, we can also prevent the destruction of the planet. We do this for you, but also for ourselves and future generations. If we can occasionally be satisfied and happy with what we have and not look too much at what we lack to complete us, then we are already complete. Let's be good to ourselves and sometimes realize that someone else, the planet and the universe is also ourselves. Let's stop thinking that you can find happiness anywhere. If you look for happiness externally, it is not you. Let's all open our eyes and rediscover the power that happiness comes from within.
Do you also want other insights?
Do you also want to get rid of some persistent illusions and ideas imposed by your previous circumstances? Psychedelic sessions in combination with the right preparation can help you with this. Such a psychedelic session is not suitable for everyone, but for the majority of the population it would be good to take a psychedelic journey inward. With trip therapy we pay extra attention to physical and psychological health during the preparation. Do you choose trip therapy? Then start with the intake so that we can advise you.