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Trip psychologist Sascha

Sascha de Waal

Category: Therapist (psychologist)
Languages: Dutch and English
Sessions €775 : MDMA/Psilocybin/Heroic dose/LSD/Psiloflora/Hippie flip/
Duo 1350

From my home in Bussum I come to location for the psychedelic sessions. My maximum travel time for a one-way trip is 60 minutes from zip code 1404 Bussum. Do you live further away than my work area? Then consider renting an AirBNB nearby or contact me for consultation.

My work area includes various places and cities in the provinces of Flevoland, North Holland, South Holland, Overijssel, Utrecht and North Brabant:

Alkmaar, Almere, Alphen aan den Rijn, Amsterdam, Amersfoort, Apeldoorn, Arnhem, Den Bosch, The Hague, Deventer, Dordrecht, Dronten, Ede, Emmeloord, Gouda, Hoorn, Leiden, Lelystad, Purmerend, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Zaanstad, Zoetermeer , Zutphen and Zwolle.

The travel costs charged are 50 cents per km driven to and from zip code 1404 Bussum.

About Sascha

My name is Sascha and I have been working as a psychologist since 2016, first for several years in addiction care and currently in basic mental health care, specialist mental health care and specialist medical rehabilitation. In my work at Triptherapie I can combine my knowledge and experience as a psychologist with my interest in working with psychedelics, which I think will also mean a lot to mental health care. 

From an early age I actually knew that I wanted to become a psychologist because I noticed that people wanted to tell their stories to me and I enjoyed helping them. Later I realized how valuable it is that I can create a safe place where someone can feel free and be vulnerable.

The journey of discovery and development within myself along certain beliefs, learned patterns and triggers that are probably recognizable to many people - such as setting the bar far too high, crossing my boundaries and finding it very important what other people think - has helped me in recent years. a lot and I have noticed that you never actually stop learning. This is exactly what I like so much about my work, that thanks to the knowledge from my training, but also from what I have learned and experienced myself, I can help others to also make this journey within themselves. And now also in a double meaning; not only a journey of discovery within and towards yourself, but also the “journey” as a psychedelic session is often called. How beautiful is it to combine these!

Research into the effects of psychedelics on psychological disorders such as depression and PTSD is being expanded and deepened internationally, with very promising results. I believe that this is already, and will become, an extremely valuable addition in mental health care. Especially for people where 'traditional therapy' is not sufficient or appropriate, but also for everyone else, as so much can be achieved in so few sessions. Often even in one session!


In addition to my Psychology studies at the University of Amsterdam with the master's degree in Clinical Psychology, I have followed various further training courses, including the basic courses of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and EMDR, but also, for example, the Vat of Self-esteem. Of course, these courses and my scientific background have brought me a lot, but I find it all the more important to work from my own experiences and especially my own feelings. As a client of mine once said, 'with you it never feels like a conversation from psychologist to patient, but always from person to person'. In my work I have gained experience in treating addiction, depression, anxiety, trauma, personality problems, negative self-image, burnout and grief, but my interest is also in the field of general self-development and spiritual development.

My own experiences with psychedelics

After my own experiences with psychedelics, I see that I have started to look at the world and myself differently. It opens up other ways of thinking and provides insights into things that are sometimes deeply hidden. I think the great thing is that sometimes we recognize something with our brain (for example 'I shouldn't care so much about what others think') but we often don't feel it that way and that this does fully sink in during a session with psychedelics. You know, see and feel in every fiber of your body how something works and this lingers long after the trip. These insights that you really feel can create enormous changes. A session often gives you exactly what you need. Sometimes these are small insights and small steps, sometimes you can look at yourself straight in the mirror and see what you have avoided so far or what you find difficult to face. This is not always fun or easy, but it is extremely valuable and ultimately very beautiful to experience. My biggest lessons have come from my most uncomfortable moments. In addition, it can also be said that a psychedelic session is also simply beautiful, wonderful and very impressive. It is a life-changing experience in more ways than one and it is certainly never boring!

My approach

The digital intake form forms the basis of the action plan. In preparation for the session, you will receive personal lifestyle advice that is focused on your intention(s). As a trip leader, I am there for you, before, during and after the session. The beginning of the session is similar to talk therapy. After taking it, we will communicate less and less and ultimately leave words alone, after all, it is about the experience. During the entire trip there will be music and I will be subtly attentive, at a location of your choice, so that you feel at ease. This way you can fully focus on the experience and the valuable insights that bring you closer to your goal or intention. While you sober up, we will carefully start talking again and look together at what your psychedelic experience can mean for you.

Would you like a session with me? Make sure you complete the intake so that my colleagues can check your details for any contraindications. After this check you will know whether you can do a psychedelic session.

Trip psychologist Sascha

Reviews about Sascha

Sascha as a facilitator of sessions with psychedelics has already received several reviews from its clients. Read through these reviews to get a better idea of how Sascha as a psychologist and for as a supporter helps people during psychedelic therapy.

Last 10 reviews

Contact Sascha

You can email me directly via the button below. Would you prefer to be contacted by telephone? Please feel free to send me an email with a call request first, indicating which number you would like to be called on and when you prefer.

Book a psychedelic session with Sascha

Would you like to book a session or view my availability? You can book a psychedelic session at your location using the button below. My work area includes various places and cities in the provinces of Flevoland, North Holland, South Holland, Overijssel, Utrecht and North Brabant, such as:

Alkmaar, Almere, Alphen aan den Rijn, Amsterdam, Amersfoort, Apeldoorn, Arnhem, Den Bosch, The Hague, Deventer, Dordrecht, Dronten, Ede, Emmeloord, Gouda, Hoorn, Leiden, Lelystad, Purmerend, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Zaanstad, Zoetermeer , Zutphen and Zwolle.