Our self-destruction in which you also participate
Hey you over there. You're completely destroying our world. All out of self-interest because you want things that are not actually important, but that have been imposed on you to consider important! And why? It's all about power, money and fear. Wake up, because you are destroying my, our, earth too!

We need to reconnect with nature. Just look at the cancer-causing rubbish you put in your basket at the supermarket. And by cancer-causing rubbish I mean those substances that, among other things, promote cancer. That cannot go well in the long term.

Have children
Do you want to have more than 2 children per couple, which is entirely in your own interest? You want those kids, right? Congratulations, you're making the Earth even more overpopulated so we can demolish it even faster. Every person leaves their mark, but how many more billion can be added?

Psychedelics as a savior of the earth?
Can we save the earth if we become more aware of what is really important? Check this one out Youtube video For more information.