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Therapeutic mushroom trip

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Therapeutic mushroom or truffle trip

When we talk about a therapeutic mushroom trip, we mean a psychedelic therapeutic trip with magic truffles. This works exactly the same as magic mushrooms and, unlike magic mushrooms, it is legal in the Netherlands. Magic truffles contain fewer active substances per gram than magic mushrooms, but if the intake of truffles is increased, the outcome is the same.

Therapeutic tripping -Therapeutic mushroom trip
Therapeutic tripping with magic mushrooms can be eye-opening

Therapeutic psilocybin trip

Mushrooms and magic truffles therefore contain the same active substances, namely psilocybin. Psilocybin is converted into psilocin by our own body. Psilocin can attach to the 5-HT2a receptor just like serotonin does.

Why therapeutic mushroom therapy works so well?

We think that therapy with psilocybin works so well because it can connect with the subconscious. Psychological complaints often express themselves through complaints in the body and vice versa. The subconscious brain communicates largely through the body in a fasting and awake state. Hence often feelings related to body parts such as muscles, heart, stomach and bladder. Angry, heartache, being under tension and feeling upset are well-known terms for physical complaints that come from conscious or subconscious thinking.

Depression 1 -Therapeutic mushroom trip
Therapeutic mushroom therapy can help against these complaints

During a mushroom trip, the increased stimulation of the 5-HT2a receptor ensures direct communication between the subconscious and the conscious mind. This allows problems that lie in the subconscious to be solved or given a place. Furthermore, the mushroom trip also increases BDNF, which ensures that new connections are created in the brain and ensures the recovery of damaged brain and nerve cells. This mind-expanding effect can ensure that depressed people, who already have less activity in the frontal lobe of the brain, can increase activity in the frontal lobe of the brain.

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