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Discover the introspection of a Truffle Ceremony

A truffle ceremony is an experience that can change your life. It can help you gain deep insights into yourself and the world around you. At Triptherapie we offer professional guidance in undergoing a safe and meaningful truffle ceremony.

Click here if you are interested in the open truffle ceremony

What is a truffle ceremony?

A truffle ceremony is a communal experience in which psilocybin-containing truffles are used to induce a psychedelic experience. This ceremony is often used to gain deep insights into life and to achieve spiritual enlightenment. It can also be used to treat anxiety and depression and to increase creativity and empathy. It is always advisable to consider with what intentions you want to start a truffle ceremony.

During a truffle ceremony a journey will take place to the subconscious. This journey into the subconscious of yourself can be exciting, provide new insights or be used as a very strong therapy against various psychological disorders. With the right preparation and setting during the truffle ceremony we can achieve unprecedented results to grow in life. The use of these types of substances brings one into a state that has many similarities with what happens to you when you reach a very deep state of meditation, and that times a factor of 1000. At higher doses, some also speak of a mystical experience (see also the video).

The effect of truffles

The effects of a truffle ceremony can vary greatly depending on the person and the dosage. In general, the effects can be divided into three phases and the first effects are sometimes noticeable after 15 minutes: the first phase usually includes an increased heart rate and feelings of euphoria and wonder. All senses will work better. Colors become brighter, sounds sound intense and it seems as if the entire environment becomes palpable. In the second phase, the effects may become more intense and visual and auditory hallucinations may occur. During the second phase, the guidance will often encourage you to turn more inward so that you can make optimal use of the effects. During the third phase, the effects are usually less intense, but there can still be a sense of connection with the world around us and the stories of the individual journeys can be shared. Synesthesia, the overlapping of sensory experiences, occurs quite often in truffle ceremonies.

Read more about this here synesthesia during psychedelic sessions

Synesthesia -Truffle ceremony

Depending on the dosage chosen in consultation with us, the amount of effects will vary. The higher the dosage, the higher the trip level and the effects. During our truffle ceremonies we always offer an extra portion after about an hour to the start. This way you can see whether a booster could be useful.

Read more about this here the trip levels and effects

More than just a truffle ceremony

Most customers who request a truffle ceremony would like to work on their mental health. A truffle ceremony is ideal for this, but we go further than that. After registration, you will also receive nutritional and exercise advice, possibly in combination with supplements, based on the information you enter. We do this because the result of a truffle ceremony will be so much better. We also provide viewing, reading or listening tips that we think can help you during the truffle ceremony. During the truffle ceremony we will assist you to work on the predetermined goals. On the day of the ceremony we will use aromatherapy, color therapy and music to make the experience as good as possible. Together we aim for full profit!

Is a truffle ceremony safe for everyone?

A truffle ceremony can be safe if performed properly. At Triptherapie we provide professional guidance and a safe environment to minimize risks. However, it is important to remember that psychedelics can be potentially dangerous for people with certain medical conditions or who are taking certain medications. We will screen every registration for safety. And we also base the tips we talk about above on the intake/screening.

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Useful Links: Prices | Contact | Book a psilocybin session | Agenda truffle ceremonies

Would you rather put together your own group or a private session?

In addition to the organized open truffle ceremonies, you can also put together a group yourself or book an individual session with us. Although our open truffle ceremonies only have 6 participants, we understand if you still want a private session. Even if you want a private session, it is advisable to complete the intake that you can find above.