Therapy with magic truffles
During the psychedelic session of truffle therapy, the participant ingests psychedelic magic truffles, which causes hallucinations in addition to the emotional experience. The preparation with a therapeutic character can come to life during the trip, allowing blockages in the conscious and subconscious to be broken. With Trip Therapy, the work already starts during the preparation of 1 to 2 weeks.
Read more about this here trip therapy as a process

Psychedelics are drugs!
Magic mushrooms have indeed been designated as illegal drugs. Magic truffles, on the other hand, are legal and contain the same psychedelic substances in slightly different proportions and are therefore suitable as a legal alternative to magic mushrooms. Although we call magic mushrooms and truffles as drugs, the word drugs is only an indication. Provided we take contraindications into account, the use of mushrooms / magic truffles is the least harmful of all types of drugs, including alcohol and tobacco!

Read more about the here safety of mushrooms and truffles.
What does truffle therapy help with?
Various scientific studies support our vision based on experience. Our trip therapy can be used for:
- Improve low self-esteem
- Anti-anxiety
- Depression treatment
- Combating burnout
- Resolve mild addictions
- Reduce social anxiety
- Spirituality
How trip therapy works
The active substance is psilocin which is formed in the truffles. Furthermore, the truffles contain more psilocybin than psilocin, but psilocin is also converted by our body into the active psilocin.
Psilocin is very similar to the body's own serotonin. Reduced serotonin activity can cause depression, addiction and anxiety. Increased activity of psilocin and serotonin, such as during a trip, creates connection, emotional outliers, satisfaction and a less active ego. With increased stimulation of the serotonin receptor, the brain goes into a state of hyperconnectivity. This also happens to a lesser extent when you start dreaming. During the state of hyperconnectivity, various parts of the brain can communicate (better) with each other. Problems in the subconscious can become visible and it can be given a place.

You can find more information about this here the different ways psilocybin positive works in therapy