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Read all about psychedelic therapy and developments in the field of psychedelics.

The winter blues, depression and psilocybin

d1d8ae65 87c5 442b 98af 4fd050f7509d -The winter blues, depression and psilocybin

The winter blues in combination with a dormant depression can give many people a difficult time during the winter. Especially after the holidays, many people find themselves in an isolating hole. Can psilocybin help with this?

Amino acids and depression

amino acids bowl -Amino acids and depression

A lack of amino acids can lead to depression Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Multiple amino acids linked together are called peptides and multiple peptides linked together are polypeptides/proteins or otherwise called proteins. Hormones and neurotransmitters can also consist of amino acids. Each protein has a different sequence and amount of certain amino acids. Although […]

How to change your mind: LSD, psilocybin MDMA and mescaline for depression, PTSD, addiction, trauma, anxiety disorder and low self-esteem

netflix black -How to change your mind: LSD, psilocybin MDMA and mescaline for depression, PTSD, addiction, trauma, anxiety disorder and low self-esteem

Increasing attention In recent years, psychedelics have received increasing attention when it comes to the healing potential of these psychedelic substances in combination with therapeutic support. We wrote about Netflix and psychedelics in an earlier article. Recently, more and more films and documentaries have been released and that is why we have listed the top 3 […]

Psilocybin therapy against PTSD and depression

trip therapy -Psilocybin therapy against PTSD and depression

Trip therapy Here at trip therapy we use lifestyle coaching in combination with psychedelic sessions to treat various complaints, addictions and conditions. When we started years ago, there was not as much attention to psychedelics as a therapeutic tool as there is now. Now that more and more scientific studies are being completed positively, attention is […]

Contentment and connectedness against global depression

depression earth -Satisfaction and connectedness against the global depression

Personal depression and the state of the earth Never before have so many people been gloomy, depressed or depressed as now. The Coronavirus has added to this over the past year. If you look at the state of the earth you can see that the nature of the earth has been brought into crisis by […]

The depressed vegan

vegan -The depressed vegan

Eating vegan can be healthier. People who switch to a vegan diet often become healthier initially, gain more energy after a few weeks, gain a better weight and also start to look healthier. These changes are often caused by removing unhealthy elements from the diet and adding natural foods. […]

Vitamin D against depression and inflammatory diseases

Vitamin D -Vitamin D against depression and inflammatory diseases

Vitamin D Vitamin D plays a major role in our health and more and more research into vitamin D underlines the importance of healthy vitamin D levels. Some headlines of the latest scientific studies on vitamin D via Pubmed look like this: The Putative Role of Thyroid Hormones and Vitamin D on Severity and Quality […]

Depression treatment with psilocybin

sasha freemind Pv5WeEyxMWU unsplash -Depression treatment with psilocybin

Psilocybin and depression The knowledge that psilocybin sessions are a very strong treatment method against depression is increasing. Scientific studies increasingly show that psilocybin is most effective in treating treatment-resistant depression. All these studies are based on a single high dose of psilocybin without lifestyle changes. What would happen […]

Nutrition, exercise and supplements against depression and anxiety

testosterone nutrition -Nutrition, exercise and supplements against depression and anxiety

Trip therapy against depression and anxiety Most of our customers use trip therapy as a treatment for depression and anxiety-related complaints. Psychedelic therapy on its own already gives very good results, but the combination with other healthy matters such as diet, exercise and supplements make the approach even more effective. In this blog we discuss a […]

Gratitude as a medicine against depression, burnout, trauma and addictions

gratitude -Gratitude as a medicine against depression, burnout, trauma and addictions

The perception of reality Auditory illusions Visual illusions Negativity creates negative reinforcement People who think the world is a bad place are subconsciously looking for bad things in the world. This is because the brain is trained to use random information, which is what the universe is, to connect exactly the dots that […]

Depression treatment in men by increasing BDNF and testosterone

Depression treatment in men - Depression treatment in men by increasing BDNF and testosterone

Depression treatment in men by increasing BDNF and testosterone. Increasing BDNF against depression is an effective means of recovery in men. In order to increase BDNF we need to increase serotonin as increased serotonin increases BDNF. Increasing testosterone can also help in some cases if low testosterone is (partly) the cause. […]

Nutrition, health, exercise, depression, anxiety, burnout and inflammatory diseases

Free radicals -Nutrition, health, exercise, depression, anxiety, burnout and inflammatory diseases

Nutrition, health, exercise, depression, anxiety, burnout and inflammatory diseases Because we want to support the body and mind as a whole, we will always try to combat psychological complaints through the body and mind. By preventing as many inflammatory reactions as possible, we can build a good basis through the body to release more serotonin [...]