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A healthy intra workout drink

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Intra workout drink

An intra workout drink (IWO) is one that is drunk during a (strength) training session to increase performance and promote recovery. An inta workout is also sometimes called a during workout.

Previously we also wrote about a natural and healthy Pre Workout. If you are already using this, you do not have to change the cup and reuse the leftovers from the PWO.

Read more about us here natural PWO recipe

Also healthy

If the intra workout also contains healthy ingredients, two birds are killed with one stone. Better sports performance and an eye for health. For example, our IWO contains a combination of herbs that score very high in anti-oxidative effect.

Based on herbs

There are a number of herbs that can increase sports performance by acting in ways other than as antioxidants. Here is our recipe for a healthy spicy sports drink. In approximately 500 milliliters of water add:

  • Half a teaspoon of dried mint
  • About 3 fennel seeds
  • 1-3 crushed balls of black pepper or half a teaspoon of powder.
  • A pinch of star anise powder or a broken off star tip
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • Piri Piri or red pepper powder to taste (don't start with too much)
  • 2 Cloves (to suck while exercising)
  • A tea bag with green tea of your choice

Intra workout drink

An intra workout drink (IWO) is one that is drunk during a (strength) training session to increase performance and promote recovery. An inta workout is also sometimes called a during workout.

Previously we also wrote about a natural and healthy Pre Workout. If you are already using it, you do not have to rinse the cup and you can reuse the leftovers from the PWO.

Read more about us here natural PWO recipe

Also healthy

If the intra workout also contains healthy ingredients, two birds are killed with one stone. Better sports performance and an eye for health. For example, our IWO contains a combination of herbs that score very high in anti-oxidative effect.

Based on herbs

There are a number of herbs that can increase sports performance by acting in ways other than as antioxidants. Here is our recipe for a healthy spicy sports drink. In approximately 500 milliliters of water add:

  • Half a teaspoon of dried mint
  • About 3 fennel seeds
  • 1-3 crushed balls of black pepper or half a teaspoon of powder.
  • A pinch of star anise powder or a broken off star tip
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • Piri Piri or red pepper powder to taste (don't start with too much)
  • 2 Cloves (to suck while exercising)
  • A tea bag with green tea of your choice

herbs -A healthy intra workout drink
The herbs for a healthy IWO

The effect of the ingredients

Dried mint

Just to get straight to the point. Mint lowers testosterone levels in men and should not be consumed in large doses, especially if a fair amount of chewing gum or mint tea is already consumed. Also do not use if testosterone levels have already been reduced. Recommended if masculinization (in women) needs to be slowed down. A little mint usually doesn't hurt and has a soothing effect on the joints. In our opinion, because there is slightly more estrogen (instead of testosterone) and due to the presence of the polyphenol rosmarinic acid, which has a good anti-inflammatory function. Less pain from painful, inflamed joints means fewer force-inhibiting pain stimuli.

Fennel seed

Fennel seed works against colic (gas reduction in the intestines), reduces the risk of cancer, works against menstrual pain, gives fresh breath and works as an anti-oxidant. Fennel seed, like fennel, contains anethole and has a stimulating and pain-inhibiting effect. Never take more than what is recommended as anethole is slightly toxic. In lower doses there is no problem

Star anise

Star anise, like fennel seeds, contains anethole. Star anise contains an antiviral component called shikimic acid (also contains Tamiflu, an antiviral drug). Star anise has an antibacterial and antifungal effect.

Finally, star anise has a warming effect due to the substances linalol and limonene. Linalol protects the blood vessels and improves blood flow. Limonene has an anti-cancer effect. Together, these antioxidants maintain energy levels and stimulate the body to cough up mucus in case of colds, asthma and bronchitis. The effect of star anise allows an athlete to absorb oxygen better and perform better.

Black pepper

Black pepper ensures that the other herbs in this IWO are better absorbed, partly thanks to piperine. Furthermore, black pepper also works as an antioxidant. Black pepper is extra interesting for an athlete because it has a stimulating effect, ensures better blood circulation, works against muscle pain and provides more air by dissolving mucus.


Like other herbs, turmeric has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is partly why it also works against cancer. It is also a natural painkiller that even works for rheumatism and osteoarthritis. Turmeric is a mild MAO inhibitor so you can train with more pleasure and focus. Turmeric reduces muscle damage and ensures less muscle breakdown during exercise. Also use turmeric wisely and not with kidney stones.

Piri Piri

Red pepper and Piri piri contain capsaicin, the substance that tastes spicy. This substance ensures that fat cells cannot grow properly and that muscles become stronger. This effect is because capsaicin stimulates the production of mitochondria. These are the energy factories in the (muscle) cells. Capsaicin also causes testosterone levels to rise.


When exercising, remove a clove from the mix and continue to suck on it while exercising.

Cloves contain eugenol, a substance with anesthetic properties. The slight inhibition of the pain stimulus provides increased strength and postponement of feeling the acidification. This is completely safe at low doses. Perform the exercises properly and never take too many painkillers when training. A little clove increases testosterone, too much lowers it.

herbs -A healthy intra workout drink

Green tea

Many green tea and the other herbs of this IWO contain antioxidants and vitamins that help strengthen your immune system. For example, green tea contains caffeine, theine, theanine, thebromine, thephylline and vitamin C. It is useful for an athlete that these antioxidants ensure that the free radicals that are produced in your body during training and that cause muscle pain and fatigue are neutralized. Green tea stimulates GABA, a neurotransmitter involved in relaxation and the release of growth hormones. Drinking green tea promotes the recovery of your muscles. Green tea also has a positive effect on energy levels due to the stimulating effect of caffeine and theine.

Add amino acids

For accelerated muscle recovery and growth, amino acids can also be added to the intra workout. We recommend 5 grams of BCAA in combination with 10 grams of Pepto Pro (or whey hydrolyzate). These two products provide a high-quality amino acid profile with a high biological value and the absorption plus the absorption speed are very high.

More information about proteins and amino acids here

Add to endurance sports

During training that involves a lot of sweating, it is wise to add electrolytes. These are certain salts that the body loses through sweating. You can choose to eat a banana during training. Another solution is to add a pinch of iodized sea salt in combination with 50 ml of coconut milk to the IWO drink. If you have the time and the tools, the juice of 2 celery stalks would be a very good choice to add.


All sports performance enhancing herbs have disadvantages if the dosage is too high. In normal doses there is no problem so drink this mix in moderation. A maximum of 1 per day increases sports performance and has a healthy effect on the body.

Have a nice workout!