Could it be a little less?
Sometimes the strongest healing power of people as individuals is not to see ourselves as isolated individuals. We can explain how this works by explaining what happens when the ego is too strong and too much separation and loneliness arises. It becomes, as it were, a battle between the ego and the rest of the world. The separation between the ego and the other creates thinking patterns that undermine physical and mental health, often in combination with an addiction. Many of what we think are 'thinking diseases' such as anxiety disorders and depression are caused by negative thinking patterns that increase cortisol and thus postpone body recovery, causing inflammation. These inflammations cause lower activity of, for example, the serotonergic system, which has the effect of creating more fear and sadness and thus triggering a new wave of negative thinking. Do you already see a repeating pattern emerging here in which thinking is an important link? Could less ego and less negative thinking play a role? We think so, especially if it is combined with a healthy lifestyle!

Shots of Awe
Being in the here and now is a good thing to put the ego on the back burner. During the wow moments in your life you are busy experiencing the moment. It is precisely these things that grab your full attention that pull you away from your thinking patterns. This blog uses videos from Shots of Awe by Jason Silva because these show many parallels with the psychedelic state, the meditative state and therefore also when the ego is not or less active.
The ego death?
A total ego death is seen in many cultures as a path of salvation. To be reborn, an ego death may be necessary. These transitions require a high degree of surrender. It is a process that is exciting in the beginning and liberating later. Wanting to let go is an important aspect of this transformation.
Read more about this here ego death in depression
The mystical psychedelic experience
The psychedelic sessions with a medium to heroic dosage are often described as a mystical experience. Such an experience can often reset negative and rigid thought patterns, allowing the body's self-healing capacity to take its course again. Making healthier choices with less stress is the most powerful outcome of such an experience.
To be reborn in 2021
This blog was written for the participants of the truffle ceremony of January 9. Getting rid of the ego, resetting the thoughts and then being reborn is what we aim for. If you are reading this blog, I would like to ask you if it could be a little less? And especially the ego that gets in the way of ourselves and nature. And as a result, you may experience more connection, love and gratitude for the here and now. This way everyone can give themselves a new start with a healthy balance between satisfaction and progress.
Can we help?
Health always starts with a healthy dose of ego. If you as an individual are healthy, you will also be better externally. A healthier world always starts with ourselves. Would you like to discover with us what a healthy balance is for you? Use the following links for more information.
Overview of group ceremonies | Individual therapy | Tripsitter service Netherlands
If you find the ego an interesting topic, we also recommend that you read up on what the Default Mode Network does in our brain.
Read more about it here Default Mode Network (DMN) | Even more about it DMN and the ego