Private truffle ceremony or group ceremony
In this article we assume that a private truffle ceremony means an individual truffle session. You will receive the full attention of the therapist or trip sitter of your choice. However, are you still in doubt whether you really want to choose an individual truffle ceremony or an open truffle ceremony? We will list the advantages below. If you do mean a private truffle ceremony, i.e. a private truffle ceremony with a group of your own choosing? Then use the button below.
Individual truffle session
The benefits of an individual ceremony include:
Privacy and intimacy: The experience can be more private and intimate, which can contribute to a deeper personal connection. During therapeutic sessions, certain individuals often feel more at ease and can let go more than in group sessions.
Full personalization: The ceremony can be completely personalized based on individual needs and goals.
- Choosing a supervisor: With individual truffle sessions you can choose your own guide and there are more days available than with group truffle ceremonies.
- Choosing a location: With private sessions, the client can choose where this session will take place. It can be at home, a rented location or at our location.
Deep therapeutic experiences: Individual sessions can provide profound therapeutic experiences that are less easily achieved in a group setting.
Safety and trust: A private session can provide a sense of safety and trust.
Flexibility: There is more flexibility in session length, timing and set and setting
Open truffle ceremony
The benefits of a truffle ceremony for groups include:
- Sense of community: The open ceremonies offer the opportunity to meet new like-minded people, which can create a sense of connection.
- Safe feeling: For some, it feels safer to participate in a group ceremony than in a private session. The presence of others gives peace.
- Accompaniment: There are multiple guides present to ensure that the ceremony proceeds safely and in a structured manner. You can choose which guide you want to connect with during the ceremony.
- Costs: Group sessions are more cost-effective than individual therapy because the costs are shared among several participants.
- Share experiences: Sharing experiences with other participants can help to better understand your own experience and gain new insights.
- Longer program: During the truffle ceremonies for groups the program is longer and more is done than just the truffle ceremony, such as breathwork.
- Location: Truffle ceremonies use a location that is specially designed for the ceremonies, including art and objects.
How does a private truffle session work?
A truffle session has multiple phases such as intake, preparation, the session itself and integration. The complete package makes a truffle session more effective than just the session with truffles itself. We have divided the trajectory of the truffle sessions into four phases below.
If you want to book a private truffle session with us, there are a few steps that need to be taken. If you want to book a private truffle session with us, there are a few steps that need to be taken. First, you need to fill out an intake form so that we can check for any contraindications and determine the best approach for your specific situation. After filling out the intake form, you will receive personal advice about the session and the dosage that suits you best. You can then schedule an appointment via the links provided in the advice email.
Truffle session
Choosing a Trip Sitter or Therapist
The individual truffle ceremonies offer benefits in their own unique way that may appeal to you. If you choose an individual session and you can handle such a truffle session health-wise, then the next step is important. Choosing a guide is something important and a feeling of trust and peace that you have with someone plays a very big role. You can choose your guide by, for example, asking yourself whether you would like a male or female guide and what qualifications this person has. The level of experience can also be important to you. Then also view the overview below to take a look at the therapists and trip sitters who work for us. Via the LinkedIn button you can read more about the guides on LinkedIn, via the calendar button you can see the availability, reviews can be read via the thumb button and the profile pages can be read by clicking on the photo or name.
🇳🇱 🇬🇧
Founder Trip Therapy & Psychedelic Guide
With a background in chemistry, a passion for philosophy, combined with extensive knowledge of psychology and health, his approach is holistic. Marcel is a full-time trip facilitator. With more than 2,000 guided sessions, Marcel has the most experience of our team.
🇳🇱 🇬🇧 🇩🇪
Psychosocial therapist & psychedelic therapist
Ronald is a psychosocial therapist and has completed the following training courses: Jungian Philosophical Therapist, Psychodrama Therapist, Master Voice Dialogue, Transformation Psychology, Internal Family System (IFS), Mindfulness and Compassion Trainer.
🇳🇱 🇬🇧
Confidential counselor & psychedelic guide
Janneke studies Applied Psychology, is a lifestyle coach, provides initial customer contact, draws up lifestyle plans and performs administrative tasks. She also acts as a confidential counselor. In addition to these tasks, she is available to a limited extent for coaching sessions.
🇳🇱 🇬🇧
Psychologist & psychedelic therapist
Sascha has a good foundation as a psychedelic therapist with her studies in psychology, a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology and work experience in addiction care, (specialist) mental health care and rehabilitation as a psychologist. She has additional training in cognitive behavioral therapy and EMDR.
🇳🇱 🇬🇧 🇩🇪
Psychologist & psychedelic therapist
As a psychologist, Reineke combines both regular and alternative care methods to provide the best possible treatment. She uses various techniques, such as talk therapy, yoga, breathing exercises and EMDR in combination with the therapeutic effects of psychedelics.
🇳🇱 🇬🇧 🇩🇪
SPV & psychedelic therapist
Gijs has 20 years of experience in outpatient mental health care. He taught and supervised the MGZ-GGZ course at HAN (Arnhem Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences). Gijs has also developed extensively in mindfulness, talk therapy, neurofeedback, meditation, compassion training and ACT.