A psilocybin session as therapy
We have known for some time that psilocybin is a strong supportive agent during therapy. In most cases, psilocybin is used during psychedelic sessions for complaints such as depression, low self-esteem, addiction and various anxiety complaints. Among psychedelics, psilocybin is the all-rounder. Dosing this psychedelic is often easier than others such as ayahuasca and the trip does not last unnecessarily long as can happen with LSD. Even without complaints, sessions with psilocybin are possible to stimulate creativity and spirituality. In this article we explain how psilocybin works and why it can be used as a therapeutic tool.
Psilocybin is converted to psilocin
Magic mushrooms, truffles, psilohuasca and psiloflora all contain psilocybin/psilocin and fall under the group of hallucinogens. Mushrooms and magic truffles contain the same active substances in approximately the same proportions. The effects vary and depend on your personal sensitivity, character, mood, the drug and the dose. The active substances psilocin and psilocybin are very similar to the body's own serotonin (the neurotransmitter). Our body converts psilocybin into psilocin after ingestion. Psilocin fits on the serotonin receptor, called the 5HT2a receptor. The higher stimulation of the receptors causes the effects of magic mushrooms. The degree of effects are divided into different trip levels.

Trip level 1
During trip level 1, the negative feelings of serotonin depression disappear. Because the communication of the hemispheres of the brain changes, music will sound deeper, colors will become brighter and the environment will become more tangible. All your senses are open. During this phase one is more open and socially engaged and you begin to become open and honest with others and yourself.
Trip level 2
Brighter perception of colors, visuals such as the movement and “breathing” of objects, walls, etc. With closed eyes, 2-dimensional patterns can be observed. Due to changes in short-term memory, the user experiences continuous distracting thought patterns, alternating with extreme focus. The natural filter in the brain is bypassed, which increases creativity, among other things. During this phase, cross-connections can already be discovered. Cross-connections about, for example, why certain things happen and how you can deal with them.
Trip level 3
Very clearly visible visuals, everything seems bent or distorted. Patterns can be seen on walls, objects, faces, etc. Mild hallucinations, such as the effect of flowing rivers in wood grains or other structures. Some confusion of the senses, for example seeing sound as color, etc. Time distorts, making everything seem to take place in the “now”. From this level it is already possible to connect with the subconscious brain, while it can still be controlled very well. There may be fears in the subconscious that cause stress without people consciously realizing it. This level is useful to combat those fears from the subconscious. Fears often come from the past and/or the future. These fears are not realistic at the moment and acceptance is possible during this trip level.
Trip level 4
Strong hallucinations, such as objects merging into other objects (morphing). Perception of the ego blurs, objects may start talking to you, for example, or you feel conflicting things at the same time. Some loss of reality, time becomes an incomprehensible concept. Possible experience of leaving the body (out-of-body experience). Mixing stimuli from different senses. Because of ego loss and thereby loss of self-protection, during this phase one is harsh but honest about oneself. Problems can be addressed and given a place. The connection with the subconscious is very high in this triple skin, which means that a lot can be learned about who someone is, while it seems as if it is about someone else because of the ego loss.
Trip level 5
Total loss of visual connection with reality, senses no longer work in the “normal” way. A total loss of ego. Users feel themselves merging with space, other objects or the universe. The loss of reality becomes so bad that it is difficult to explain or put into words. This level differs from the other levels in that the actual universe in which things are located ceases to exist. During this phase there is absolutely no control possible from the ego. The connection with the subconscious is now maximum. There's nothing to hide. It is, as it were, a dream that cannot be influenced by yourself. This phase can give you insights in an initially incomprehensible way. Level 5 trippers often call the trip experiences mystical, the most beautiful experience of their lives or frightening. Control freaks in particular find it scary at first. It is not wise to do this without experience with psychedelics.
Changes play a key role
Apart from the subjective psychedelic experience, it is actually healthy changes that play an important role. Psychedelics such as psilocybin enable us to make new (brain) connections and this is often linked to gaining new insights. These new connections can cause us to think differently and teach ourselves new patterns. If the new patterns are healthier patterns, we benefit from better physical and mental health. So always try to investigate which healthy changes can help you further.
More BDNF from psychedelics
Because psychedelics such as psilocin (from truffles) stimulate the 5-HT2a receptor, BDNF is released. When the body releases more BDNF, it flips the switch on a series of genes that grow brand new brain cells, nerve cells, and connections. Even slightly higher BDNF ensures that you learn faster, remember better, age more slowly and your brain quickly rearranges the connections with the different parts of the brain and body.

BDNF also increases the plasticity of your brain. When your brain cells become damaged or encounter a stressful situation, BDNF protects them and helps them come back stronger. The neural pathways become more flexible rather than broken down, which could explain why higher levels of BDNF are associated with warding off depression.
Lower activity of the DMN
The Default Mode Network (DMN) includes brain areas in the cortex that are normally active during rest and are involved in remembering events, social and emotional judgment, and planning for the future. Reducing the activity of the DMN ensures that the sense of time disappears and people live more in the here and now. This means that worries and fears about the future disappear.
Lower activity of the DMN results in lower stress levels and thus lower cortisol levels. Low cortisol allows the body to harness its self-healing qualities, allowing it to fight disease and inflammation. Thanks to lowered inflammation levels, more serotonin is released, which in turn gives more BDNF, while also lowering anxiety and depression. Read more about how psilocybin works via the button:
Less ego
Psychedelics in higher doses ensure that the ego is put on the back burner. The ego wants to be fed with more and more, and often unhealthy things. The ego makes us restless and anxious as self-preservation is the ego's greatest goal. Without an ego we will not survive, but an overactive ego causes separation, loneliness and addictions.
Less ego means more connectedness, less depression, more serotonin, more BDNF, more healthy choices, less stress and less DMN activity.
Pent-up emotions
It often happens that during a session emotions that have been blocked for a long time are released. It is precisely the release of this “old pain” that releases emotional blockages and sometimes psychosomatic complaints and allows the energy to flow again. It can sometimes feel liberating to feel everything that passes by without inhibition.

Exposure therapy
In a number of cases, for example PTSD, exposure therapy can be combined with a lower dose of psychedelics. Psychedelics biochemically provide a state of satisfaction and reduce sadness and anxiety. This state of mind, in combination with telling and reliving the trauma, ensures that the emotional link with the trauma can change to something that arouses less fear.
Even better results
With trip therapy we look beyond just what psychedelics can do for health. Using the insights for healthy changes offers a long-term solution. Good preparation with a focus on health and healthy changes ensures a better result. Improved health also ensures a better psychedelic session. That is why it is wise to balance the neurotransmitters in the brain in advance. The intake for trip therapy includes a questionnaire so that we can personally advise you on how to get the most out of your session.