Trip therapy pioneered MDMA sessions
In the year 2018 Trip Therapy was founded to mainly guide truffle sessions. This came about after a period of 7 years of guiding psychedelic trips without using a website. The goal of Trip Therapy has always been to allow psychedelics to be part of initiating a healthier state of being on both a physical and mental level. Given that psilocybin from mushrooms and truffles was considered the least harmful psychedelic, we started with this. We started using the power of LSD during the year 2020 because in our own opinion we had gained a lot of experience with the psychedelic state. Not much later 2022 the demand to accompany MDMA sessions increased. Customers we previously helped with psilocybin even asked to undergo an MDMA session in the same way we had helped them with psilocybin.
Initially, we could only help our customers if they bought, tested and took MDMA themselves somewhere. We've helped quite a few people this way, but it wasn't ideal. We then looked for chemically related substances that are not illegal, but that contain the therapeutic effects of MDMA as closely as possible. This substance that resembles MDMA, but with a slightly different structure, is called an MDMA analogue or analogue. The great thing about the MDMA analogue, which we first tested internally, is that it works minimally differently than MDMA, making it even better suited for therapeutic sessions. Various studies confirm the assumption with the fact that the analogue we use has a stronger anxiolytic/anxiolytic effect, while it provides less of an energy boost than MDMA. Partly due to these findings and developments, it is in 2023 Triptherapie was the first party to use this MDMA analogue for psychedelic sessions.
Comply with the law
By explicitly stating the exact substance names of psychedelic substances in the Opium Act, the authorities are given the power to take action against the possession, trade and use of these substances. MDMA is on list 1 of the Opium Act and is therefore not legal to use. By using analogues that are not (yet) mentioned in the law, it is legal.
Furthermore, psychedelic therapy should not be seen as medical treatment as long as the substances in question are not recognized as medicine. Psychedelic sessions are therefore non-medical, even if you do this with a trained therapist or good coach. It remains to be seen how this will develop after 2024.
Which MDMA analogue?
Well-known MDMA analogues are, for example, MDA (3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine) and MDEA (3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine). These substances have a similar structure to MDMA and also have an entactogenic and stimulating effect. However, the effects may differ slightly between the different analogues and the dosage and duration of action may also be different. These substances also often have a higher toxicity than MDMA and can entail more side effects and risks.

The best MDMA analogs are the ones that are as similar to MDMA as possible and are just as or even less neurotoxic. It is mainly the variants shown below that produce the best results. Compared to MDMA, these analogues lack an oxygen atom and the molecule is given a different name (Benzofuran).
As we wrote above, the MDMA analogue that we use is more anti-anxiety according to scientific research and the side effects and dangers are the same as MDMA itself. As an additional benefit, less energy is released and it is easy to turn inward (introspection).
Would you like to know more about the MDMA analogue we use? Then view our information page about the MDMA analogue via the button.
Dangers of MDMA and analogues
The greatest danger of using medicines, psychedelics and therefore also MDMA lies in their combination use and underlying conditions. Below you will find an overview of dangerous interactions for MDMA and therefore most analogues:
– In combination with antidepressants, MDMA and its analogs can lead to serotonin syndrome, a potentially life-threatening condition that can lead to severe muscle cramps, fever and delirium.
– Mixing with alcohol can increase the toxicity of the drug, increasing the risk of dehydration and overheating.
– In combination with other stimulants, such as cocaine, may increase the risk of cardiovascular complications, such as palpitations.
There are more contraindications than the above. The use of MDMA is not recommended when taking medication where the drug interacts with the CYP2D6 enzyme, the drugs from the interaction table, heart disease, liver problems, borderline, schizophrenia, psychosis sensitivity and during pregnancies.
More risk from an MDMA analogue
Some of the MDMA analogues have been tested for effect, side effects and effectiveness. If just any analogue is used, you may be using an unsafe variant. There are a number of known medicines that may increase the risk of brain haemorrhage or other additional negative side effects. Another disadvantage is that some analogues have simply not been used or tested in the long term and we have not yet identified the risks.
The benefits of MDMA analogues
Some MDMA analogues have a stronger anti-anxiety effect, others sometimes cause mild hallucinations at normal doses and still others may be less harmful to health than MDMA itself. The trick now is to use scientific research supplemented or initiated by anecdotal evidence to look for the best MDMA analogue for therapeutic purposes. To give you a glimpse of the veil, it remains to say that this could easily be a mix of 2 or 3 analogues.
Our offer
We offer individual MDMA sessions, but also for couples who wish to work on their mutual relationship. Another option is to participate in an MDMA ceremony where you and 4 other participants are accompanied by a male and female supervisor. The MDMA ceremony can be seen as a group session. Please review the links below for more information.