MDMA experiences
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[Opgelost] MDMA experiences

2 Berichten
2 Gebruikers
2 Reactions
46 Bekeken
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Where can I find the experiences of other people regards the MDMA sessions?

2 antwoorden

I made a list with reviews about MDMA sessions. It's categorised per therapist/tripsitter. This unique compilation allows you to dive deep into the genuine experiences of clients, offering clarity, transparency, and personal reflections directly tied to the professionals who guided these powerful journeys.

Here it is:


MDMA sessie met Marcel

Mdma sessie/trauma’s met Marcel

Triptherapie review: MDMA therapy with Marcel

Recensie MDMA sessie

MDMA, Truffles and LSD sessions with Triptherapie

MDMA groepssessie recensie (Marcel en Reineke)

MDMA sessie met Marcel was top!



Mdma therapie met Ronald

In jeder Krise steckt eine Chance – Mein Erlebnis mit Ronald

MDMA couple therapy

Rezension über meine zweite MDMA Sitzung mit Ronald

Ausführliche Beschreibung von MDMA Duo- und Einzelsession mit Ronald

MDMA session with Ronald

Recensie Ronald MDMA therapie

private MDMA Sitzung mit Ronald

MDMA Trip mit Ronald

Recensie mdma therapie met ronald


Healing MDMA theraphy for my cptsd

Integration session with a low dose of MDMA

MDMA + RONALD + INTEGRATION haben mich praktisch geheilt

Mdma Session with Ronald

Triptherapie mit MDMA in Begleitung von Ronald, Mai 2024

MDMA session with Ronald

My experience with MDMA therapy with Ronald

Powerfully Transformative



Eerste MDMA-sessie met Janneke

Meerdere MDMA sessies onder begeleiding van Janneke

Twee MDMA sessies gehad

MDMAsessie met Janneke om PTSS te behandelen, mijn ervaring.

Mooiste reis van mijn leven



MDMA sessie met Gijs

MDMA therapy with Gijs

MDMA therapy with Gijs

Private Trip therapy MDMA with Gijs



Lifehack Psilocibine (Hippieflip) en MDMA

MDMA session with Sascha exceeded my expectations!

Meer dan ik had verwacht

mdma trip met Sascha

MDMA therapy session with Sacha

MDMA sessie met Sasha

Life changing experience with Sascha



Private MDMA session with Reineke

MDMA ervaring met Reineke en Marcel

MDMA trip with Reineke


That are 55 reviews about psychedelic sessions with MDMA in play. The languages used are German, English and Dutch. You can use this link to translate it all.

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