High dose truffle ceremony

high-dose truffle ceremony

Table of contents

High dose of psilocybin

During a high dose truffle ceremony, the dose of psilocybin is on the high side. The psychedelic effects are significantly present and reality is no longer what you would normally experience as reality. In this article you can read whether a truffle ceremony with a high dose is something for you.

You will find an overview here all dosages and trip levels

Psilocybin from truffles

Other names for a truffle ceremony are mushroom ceremony or psilocybin ceremony. We use psilocybin-containing truffles during a truffle ceremony. A truffle ceremony can be used as a spiritual tool, a new experience or as therapy. We therefore sometimes also talk about mushroom therapy, truffle therapy or psilocybin therapy. All these terms have the truffle ceremony as a basis.

Magic truffles -High dose truffle ceremony

Effects of the high dose of psilocybin

It will not surprise you that higher doses produce more psychedelic effects than lower doses. The intensity of the psychedelic journey is therefore divided into 5 trip levels. A high dose of psilocybin produces the effects of a trip with trip levels 4 and 5.

Trip level 4 (High dose)

Strong hallucinations, such as objects morphing into other objects. Perception of the ego fades, for example objects can start talking to you or you feel contradictory things at the same time. Some loss of reality, time becomes an incomprehensible concept. Possible experience of out-of-body experience. Mixing stimuli from different senses. Because of the loss of ego and therefore the loss of self-protection, one is harsh but honest about oneself during this phase. Problems can be addressed and given a place. The connection with the subconscious is very high at this trip level, which means that a lot can be learned about who someone is, while it seems as if it is someone else because of the loss of ego.

Trip level 5 (High dose)

Total loss of visual connection with reality, senses no longer work in the “normal” way. A total loss of ego. Users feel themselves merging with space, other objects or the universe. The loss of reality becomes so bad that it is difficult to explain or put into words. This level differs from the other levels in that the actual universe in which things are located ceases to exist. During this phase there is absolutely no control possible from the ego. The connection with the subconscious is now maximum. There's nothing to hide. It is, as it were, a dream that you cannot influence yourself. This phase can give you insights in an initially incomprehensible way. Level 5 trippers often call the trip experiences mystical, the most beautiful experience of their lives or frightening. Control freaks in particular find it scary at first. It is not wise to immediately start doing trip level 5 without experience with psychedelics.

Who is the high dose truffle ceremony suitable for?

A high dose truffle ceremony is ideal for those who have taken a psychedelic trip before. If you have never used tripping substances (psychedelics), it is better to opt for a medium dose truffle ceremony. A high dose truffle ceremony is often seen as an extra deepening experience for people who have already tried the milder alternatives.

Truffle ceremonyTrip levelDuration (h)Eligibility
Low dose1-22-3Beginner
Medium dose3-43-5Beginner
High dose 4-54-6Experience with psychedelics
Heroic dose 55-8More experienced

people -High dose truffle ceremony
Everyone is different and needs a different approach

Individually or as a group

You can choose whether you want to participate in a truffle ceremony individually or as a group. For therapeutic purposes, we advise not to make the group too large. During individual sessions it is of course permitted to have an additional acquaintance (confidant) present.

You can put together a group yourself, preferably with the people you trust the most. In some cases it is actually useful not to participate individually in a truffle ceremony. Consider, for example, relationship therapy or other forms of bonding problems.

At your location or with us?

We are flexible when it comes to location as long as it is in the Netherlands. We can perform our individual and small-scale ceremonies at your home, in a hotel or rented Airbnb, where you choose who participates. In most cases, it is cheaper at your own location, you are in your own familiar place and you do not have to travel after the trip. This can contribute to inner peace during the psychedelic trip.

Read more about this here our on-site service

You can also use our space in Schiedam which is specially designed for psychedelic sessions for self-composed groups of up to 6 people. The Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam (near Rotterdam) can enhance the experience and is especially useful for groups of 3 to 6 people. If you use the Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam you can stay overnight.

Read more about the here Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam

Schiedam Chillhoek 1 -High dose truffle ceremony

Advice on trip level and type of psychedelics

Would you like to undergo a psychedelic trip for the healing therapeutic effects or for personal and/or spiritual growth? We can give you advice on which trip level suits your goals and your experience. Contact us without obligation via the options below.

Contact via chat apps

Nowadays chatting via chat apps such as WhatsApp and Telegram the easiest way to have quick contact. The telephone number we use for these chat apps is 0640898455.

Chat directly via WhatsApp

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Contact via email

Although e-mail is used less and less often, you can of course also contact us by e-mail. You can email us at the following email address.

[email protected]

Contact by telephone

Would you rather call? You can also reach us by telephone number 0640898455. In the event that we are unable to assist you, you can request us to call you via the option above.