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Psiloflora ceremony

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Psiloflora ceremony

Various types of psychedelics

A lot of people who have undergone psychedelic therapy or attended ceremonies are often familiar with the terms MDMA, LSD, ketamine, psilocybin, psilohuasca and ayahuasca. These are all psychedelics. One psychedelic is not the same as the other and the effect differs. Yet there are also many similarities between these psychedelics and that is because they almost all imitate the effect of the tryptamines serotonin and DMT. Like these psychedelics, the hallucinogenic effects are due to stimulating the 5HT-2a receptors in the brain. In search of the highest stimulation with the least risk of complications, we arrive at psilocybin (truffles/magic mushrooms).

happy pills -Psiloflora ceremony

Psiloflora explained

Psiloflora is a mix of psilocybin-containing mushrooms or truffles in combination with Passiflora incarnata, a mild MAO inhibitor. The reason why we add the passion flower to the truffles is that this mix adds a number of nice properties to the psychedelic truffles without increasing the risks of complications as much as with strong MAO inhibitors (ayahuasca, psilohuasca, etc.).

psiloflora -Psiloflora ceremony

The combination of psilocybin and Passiflora incarnata provides the following benefits:

  • Soothing effect
  • Deeper trip (trip level 5)
  • Longer trip (up to 8 hours)
  • Clear trip
  • More visual trip

In addition to the improving effect of a psychedelic trip, Passiflora incarnata is also sometimes used without psychedelics against ADHD, nervousness, nervous heart complaints, Parkinson's disease, seizures, muscle cramps, hysteria, hypertension, PMS, epilepsy, skin conditions, hemorrhoids, burns, asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis, infections and as a painkiller for many ailments. Also for problems associated with menopause. It is also used as a means to reduce the effects of alcoholism, to facilitate quitting drinking and is also used for delirium tremens.

Read here more about Passiflora incarnata

Who is it suitable for?

Due to the extended duration of the psychedelic effects, it is advisable to already have some experience with psychedelics. If you have no experience with psychedelics, you can still participate, but the advice is to take less of the psilocybin tea and, if desired, to take a second psilocybin tea an hour after taking it. If fear plays a major role, it is advisable to start with a low dose or medium dose truffle ceremony.

See below our advice on suitability to participate in the truffle and/or psiloflora ceremonies.

Truffle ceremonyTrip levelLength of time (h)Eligibility
Low dose 1-22-3Beginner
Medium dose 3-43-5Beginner
High dose 4-54-6Some experience
Heroic dose 55-8More experienced
Psiloflora*4-55-8Some experience
Extended psiloflora**4-58-10Some experience

Why participate?

The reasons for participating in a psiloflora ceremony vary, with reducing depression, anxiety and burnout being mentioned most often. Other reasons are self-development, spirituality and curiosity. What we do know for sure is that no matter what reason is mentioned in advance, something always happens that gives the trip a therapeutic character.

The psiloflora ceremony is a superlative on regular truffle ceremonies and offers a deepening effect of psychedelic healing powers.

An even longer and more elaborate ceremony is the Extended psiloflora ceremony


There are a number of medications, physical and psychological conditions that do not play well with psychedelics or other natural products we use. The contraindications for the psiloflora ceremony are more extensive than just the truffle ceremony and are as follows.

These are the physical contraindications:

  • Pregnancy
  • Kidney diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy
  • Neurological disorders
  • High bloodpressure
  • Heart and vascular disease
  • Brain hemorrhages
  • Adrenal gland complaints
  • Abnormal blood cells

Below are the mental contraindications:

  • Schizophrenia
  • Psychosis
  • Borderline
  • PTSD
  • Other serious mental illnesses

The next medication should be phased out in consultation with the person prescribing it and is allowed not used one month before the psilohuasca ceremony until 7 days after the ceremony:

  • SSRi: citalopram (Cipramil®) – escitalopram (Lexapro®) – fluoxetine (Prozac®) – fluvoxamine (Fevarin®) – paroxetine (Seroxat®) – sertraline (Zoloft®) etc…
  • SNRi: Venlafaxine (Efexor) – Duloxetine (Cymbalta) etc…
  • TCA: mitriptyline (Tryptizol®) – clomipramine (Anafranil®) – imipramine – nortriptyline (Nortrilen®) etc….
  • Benzodiazepines: oxazepam (Seresta), – diazepam (Valium) – alprazolam (Xanax) etc…

The following medications should not be used during the 3 days before and 2 days after taking psilohuasca:

  • Anti-asthmatic agents
  • Medicines for high blood pressure: (methyldopa, guanethidine, reserpine)
  • Buspirone
  • Levodopa
  • Opoids (in particular dextromethorphan (found in cough syrup, among other things), tramadol!) morphine and codeine
  • Remedies for colds, nasal congestion and cough syrups (if available). dextromethorphan or sympathomimetics contain) (Otrivin® and others)
  • Sibutramine (remedy for obesity)
  • Sympathomimetics. (amphetamines, cocaine, methylphenidate (Ritalin®, Concerta® and Equasym®), dopamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine, isoproterenol)

Do not take any of the drugs below at least 7 days before the psiloflora ceremony and 3 days after the ceremony:

  • Psychedelics such as LSD, MDMA, Ketamine and all other mind altering substances
  • Weed or Marijuana
  • Amphetamines
  • Anesthetics
  • Ephedra and other strong weight loss agents
  • Iboga/Ibogaine (stop taking it a month in advance)

Alcohol is also better avoided during the 7 days before and 3 days after the ceremony. Other types of drugs and addictive substances should also no longer be taken or used.

Nutrition and diet

In the 3 to 2 days after the psiloflora ceremony, you should avoid foods with a high tyramine content. This concerns the following foods:

  • Fruit types: No restriction
  • Vegetables: No sauerkraut
  • Herbs: No licorice, St. John's wort and ginseng.
  • Meat: No raw, smoked or cheese-prepared meat and fish.
  • Sliced meats: None of the sliced meats are allowed
  • Dairy: No cheese, no unpasteurized milk
  • Seafood: No trassie
  • Notes: No restriction
  • Bread: No sourdough bread
  • Soy products: No tempeh, soy sauce (ketjap), fish sauce, Tamri and Worcestershire sauce
  • Drink: No herbal tea with St. John's wort and/or licorice.
  • Alcoholic beverages. No alcoholic drinks.
  • Yeast: No Marmite, Tartex, brewer's yeast, bread drink and maggi.
  • Ready-made: Any non-fresh meals are not recommended. Even your own leftovers should be cooled quickly and used up within 24 hours.
  • Fermented products: None of the fermented products are allowed.
  • Candy: No licorice or products containing licorice. Also avoid sugars.

Eat as little processed food as possible and always go for the freshest products. Preparing your own food from fresh products is much healthier in several respects and will contribute to an overall improvement of your (mental) health.

omega 3 nutrition -Psiloflora ceremony

On the day of the ceremony

Do not use 5HTP, valerian or other soothing herbs on the day of the ceremony. Also do not consume caffeine or green tea. On the day of the ceremony you remain fasting and do not eat. Drink water regularly. Don't worry about cravings or hunger. After drinking the psilocybin tea, the hunger will soon disappear.

Where is the psychedelic ceremony?

At home and on location

We are flexible when it comes to location as long as it is in the Netherlands. We can perform our individual and small-scale ceremonies at your home, in a hotel or rented Airbnb, where you choose who participates. In most cases, it is cheaper at your own location, you are in your own familiar place and you do not have to travel after the trip. This can contribute to inner peace during the psychedelic trip.

Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam

You can also use our space in Schiedam which is specially designed for psychedelic sessions for self-composed groups of up to 6 people. The Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam (near Rotterdam) can enhance the experience and is especially useful for groups of 3 people or more. If you use the Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam you can stay overnight.

Read more about this here the Psychedelic Loft in Schiedam

Schiedam mill North -Psiloflora ceremony

Start intake

All sessions start with the intake. Based on the intake, advice will be given regarding the dosage and you will receive more information about how you can book a session.

Start the intake here


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