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Truffle therapy using the magic truffle

Magic truffles

Most people are familiar with microdosing or using psilocybin in the form of mushrooms or magic truffles. What exactly are the truffles and why are therapeutic sessions done with them? What is so magical about the magic truffles?

Truffle ceremony

Do you already know what truffles are and are you looking for a group ceremony with magical truffles? Then view our page about truffle ceremony via the button below.

Truffle session

Sclerotia from magic mushrooms

Bee truffle therapy magic truffles are used. Truffles and magic mushrooms (magic mushrooms) are both psychoactive fungi from the same organism that contains psilocybin. The main difference between the two lies in their appearance: mushrooms have a stem and a cap, while truffles have a knobby shape and no stem. The concentration of psychoactive substances may also be different, but if the amount of psilocybin present is corrected, the amount of psychedelic effects may correspond.

What is less known is that truffles are actually the sclerotia of mushrooms. The sclerotia is a compact, spherical mass of mycelium and nutrients that forms underground in response to drought and food shortages.

In a sense, truffles can be considered a mushroom survival mechanism. They contain the same psychoactive substances as mushrooms and are therefore used for their hallucinogenic effects. Although truffles are less known than mushrooms abroad, in the Netherlands we mainly only use truffles due to legislation. Truffles and magic mushrooms have similar effects on the mind and perception of users.

The truffles contain several psychoactive substances, including psilocybin and psilocin, which are considered the main active components for truffle therapy. Baeocystin and norbaeocystin are additional substances found in lower proportions.

Psilocybin is a tryptamine that turns into psilocin in the human body. This provides the main psychedelic effects of these mushrooms. Baeocystine and norbaeocystine are considered less potent psychoactive agents present in several types of mushrooms.

The psychoactive effect of truffles used during truffle therapy mainly comes from the substance psilocybin, which is present in high levels. Psilocybin as an individual substance is now widely investigated in scientific studies to remedy mental disorders. This does not examine whether the other psychoactive substances in magic mushrooms and truffles have an additional positive influence on the therapy.

Magic truffles or psilocybin?

Using psilocybin from synthetic or purified sources can provide greater accuracy and control in scientific research. Magic truffles and mushrooms contain varying amounts of psilocybin, making it difficult to monitor doses and ensure consistency across study participants. In clinical trials, researchers use precise doses of psilocybin to study its effects on brain activity, emotions and behavior in different populations. By using a standardized, controlled substance, researchers can more accurately assess the effects of psilocybin and gain a better understanding of its therapeutic potential. Psilocybin is therefore preferred over truffles in scientific research because it offers greater precision, consistency and safety.

For therapeutic sessions with magic truffles, no exact amount is required and a deviation of approximately 10% can be used. It doesn't matter if someone takes a few mg more or less psilocybin than expected. An additional advantage is that the other psychoactive substances, which also influence the effect to a lesser extent, can provide a broader experience than psilocybin alone.

In short, a precisely measured amount of psilocybin is useful for research, but not necessary for truffle therapy.

Psilocybin from magic truffles in science

Scientific research currently shows that psilocybin may be a promising approach in the treatment of various conditions, such as depression, anxiety, addiction, cluster headaches and even Alzheimer's disease. Incredibly, psilocybin therapy is not only extremely effective, but also safe and well-tolerated compared to traditional medications.

Depression treatment

Psilocybin has an anti-inflammatory effect on the brain and, together with altered perception, can cure depression, according to various scientific studies.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Scientific research indicates that psilocybin may be effective in treating PTSD, in addition to anxiety disorders. The first results are promising.

Social anxiety disorder (SAD)

A scientific study at the University of Zurich has shown that a single dose of psilocybin reduces symptoms of SAD in participants with social anxiety disorder. The long-term effects of this treatment are still unknown according to the researchers.

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

A scientific study conducted at the University of Arizona examined the effects of psilocybin in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. The study shows that psilocybin-assisted therapy can significantly help reduce anxiety levels.


Psilocybin is being scientifically investigated as a potential treatment method for addictive disorders, primarily tobacco and alcohol addiction. Numerous studies have already shown promising long-term results in reducing cravings and promoting abstinence.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

There is scientific research available showing that psilocybin may be a possible treatment for OCD symptoms. The research shows that microdosing can help manage symptoms better and make daily activities easier.

Cluster headache

Psilocybin has been scientifically investigated as a possible treatment for cluster headaches, a very severe and debilitating form of headache. Some patients have reported positive results after treatment with psilocybin.


Although limited research, some scientific studies show that psilocybin may provide relief in the treatment of migraines. The positive effects appear to be the result of a change in blood flow in the brain.

Anorexia nervosa

Research is currently underway into the potential role of psilocybin in the treatment of anorexia nervosa, but further studies are needed to confirm its efficacy and safety. However, previous studies have already shown that it can improve the relationship with nutrition.

Psychosomatic complaints

There are currently no specific scientific studies that focus on psilocybin and psychosomatic complaints. However, some broader research and evidence suggests that psilocybin may have a positive impact.

How does psilocybin/psilocin work?

The results of the scientific studies are very good and the success rate of the treatments compared to regular care is many times higher. Some of the positive effects can be attributed to the physical effects in the brain such as changes in neurochemistry, blood supply, neuroplasticity, new brain connections and brain waves. In addition to these measurable effects, the subjective experience of the person undergoing the psilocybin session can also play an important role.

Physical effects


The use of psilocybin causes an increase in stimulation of the serotonergic receptors after it has been converted to psilocin. The interaction between psilocybin and serotonin receptors leads to an increase in serotonin release and changes in serotonin transmission in various brain areas. This impacts neurochemistry on multiple levels, including promoting neuroplasticity through the additional stimulation on serotonergic receptors, which increases the production of BDNF. BDNF can stimulate the growth of neural branches (dendrites) and the number of dendritic spines, which may contribute to long-term changes in brain structure and function. Psilocin specifically binds to and activates 5-HT2A receptors, which control the regulation of mood, perception and cognition. By stimulating these receptors, psilocybin alters signal transmission in the brain, resulting in the experience of hallucinations, altered consciousness, and other effects. It also promotes the release of serotonin into the synaptic cleft, leading to increased serotonin concentrations in certain parts of the brain, which can lead to altered neuronal activity and communication.


The amygdala is an important brain region for processing emotions, including fear and stress. Scientific research has shown that psilocybin can effectively reduce activity in the amygdala, which can contribute to reducing feelings of stress.

Different blood supply

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) shows that psilocybin can alter blood flow to several brain areas. This leads to reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex and the default mode network (DMN), a network of brain areas involved in self-awareness, time and memories. Arterial spin labeling (ASL) MRI shows that psilocybin increases global cerebral blood flow, indicating an increase in metabolism and neuronal activity in certain areas of the brain. These findings are scientifically important.

Brain waves

Psilocybin affects brain waves in the brain, which can be measured with electroencephalography (EEG). A study from Johns Hopkins University found that psilocybin shifts brain waves from alpha-like to theta waves. Alpha activity (8-13 Hz) is associated with a relaxed but alert state, while theta activity (4-7 Hz) is associated with dream-like and deeper meditative states.

Subjective experience

Better mood

Through increased stimulation of serotonergic receptors, psilocybin can induce various moods and experiences. Subjective experiences such as connection, empathy, love, and emotions such as sadness, joy, happiness, and wonder are common during a psilocybin trip. Thanks to psilocybin's action on serotonin, it can alleviate depressive symptoms caused by serotonin deficiency.

Less self-awareness

With less self-awareness, events appear more connected because there is less need to distinguish between the self and the environment. When the self is looked at with less self-awareness, it sometimes seems as if it is about someone other than the actual self. From this perspective, it is easier to speak honestly about the self without emotional barriers. This can contribute to openness, which can have a great advantage in processing the past, talk therapy, self-examination and personal growth.

Stress reduction

An increased sense of connection and more acceptance can make fears and stress more acceptable, as they have less control. With stronger psilocybin sessions, the sense of self can disappear completely, after which fear no longer plays a role, as self-protection is no longer needed. This has been scientifically established.

New insights

Psilocybin changes the functioning of the brain in a different way than normal. This can lead to new insights and discoveries of cross-connections. The course of this cannot be predicted in advance. An additional advantage of such sessions is that curiosity is rewarded and people often remain curious about themselves, others and the world after the session. Scientifically speaking, these are interesting results.

Spiritual insights

During a psilocybin trip, some people report scientific or mystical experiences. This can be accompanied by feelings of transcendence, a sense of meaning and connection to something bigger than themselves. Just as science can provide confidence, a spiritual experience can also provide greater peace and health.

Healthier choices

Many people who have experienced a deeper trip on psilocybin have shown that there is a connection between a healthy body and a healthy environment. By promoting better health of one's body, mind, people and environment, an increase in feelings of love for oneself and the universe has been detected. The results suggest that this may contribute to changes in perception, health and quality of life.

The amount of truffles for therapy

The effects of psilocybin vary and depend on individual sensitivity, character, mood, additives and dose. At higher doses, stimulation of the serotonin receptor, also known as the 5HT2a receptor, increases. This increased stimulation leads to the effects of psilocybin. The effects of psilocybin are divided into different levels.

Truffle therapy at Triptherapie

At Triptherapie we are proud of our careful preparation of psilocybin sessions. Our team carefully assesses your unique needs and goals during a thorough intake process so we can tailor our recommendations. Furthermore, we believe that our comprehensive approach to preparation sets us apart. As part of our standard service offering, we offer a range of benefits that make your truffle therapy as productive and transformative as possible. Let us help you unleash psilocybin's full potential and create lasting change in your life.

Before the session

  • Screening for safety based on the intake
  • Nutritional advice in preparation for psilocybin use
  • Supplement advice to improve neurochemistry
  • Video and reading suggestions that can come to life during the session
  • Small assignments that can help prepare for the session

During the session

  • Introductory conversation whose topics discussed can come to life during the peak
  • Various playlists with treatment-specific music
  • Aromatherapy
  • Space for introspection
  • Experienced guidance
  • Home visits are possible
  • Use of our locations is possible

After the session

  • Space to discuss immediately after the session
  • Tips for recovery after the psilocybin session will be sent by email
  • An integration conversation a few days after the session
  • Motivational messages to maintain success even after the psychedelic session

Contraindications to truffle therapy

Although truffles are one of the safest drugs available, unfortunately not everyone can simply opt for truffle therapy. The dangerous combinations are mainly those involving psychoactive medications and opioids. The contraindications are listed on the intake page so that you can carry out the first check yourself. After completing the intake, we will also carry out a second check. Preferably complete the intake before booking a session.

Choosing a supervisor

Which counsellor suits you best is very personal. We have both male and female counsellors with different backgrounds. Our counsellors/therapists can make home visits as long as it is within the Dutch borders and within their working area. You can use your own home, holiday home, private Airbnb or hotel for this on-site service.