Microdosing does little more than a placebo
Microdosing psychedelic substances such as LSD and psilocybin has been widely promoted in recent years by providers who claim that it can mean a lot. However, most scientific studies show that the doses mentioned under microdosing do not work significantly better than a placebo. Also watch the video below about the limited effect of microdosing.
Microdosing as a placebo explained
Everyone has MAO (monoamine oxidase) in the body. MAO is an enzyme found mainly in the mitochondria of cells, especially in the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system, such as the brain. There are two types of MAO enzymes, called MAO-A and MAO-B, and they are involved in the breakdown of various neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. The first step in breaking down is to make these neurotransmitters, but also psychedelics, inactive by allowing them to react faster than normal with oxygen.
For example, after taking 1mg of psilocybin, which is considered a microdose, the capacity of your MAO enzymes may be large enough to trap this 1mg within a few minutes and allow it to react with oxygen, causing it to no longer have any effect. Perhaps none of the psychoactive substances from that microdose end up in the brain. If your brain does receive psilocin with the first microdose of 1mg, your body may produce more MAO and you will no longer work with the next microdose.
The enzyme MAO therefore throws a spanner in the works when it comes to effective microdosing.
Why does macrodosing work better?
If you see the MAO enzymes as the first collection container or bucket of 1-2mg and you only throw 1mg of psilocybin in there, this container will not overflow. Only if you exceed the capacity of your MAO enzymes in one go, the tank overflows and can go to the brain. The minimum amount you need to experience the effects of psychedelic substances is called the threshold level. If you macrodosage, you will always exceed that threshold level and you will make use of the effects of, for example, psilocybin. With a high dose of psilocybin you need more time between sessions.
A high micro dose or low macro dose?
If you take more in order to microdosage, you will move towards a low macrodosage. This can help you still notice something of the psychedelic substance. After a number of these somewhat higher microdosages, you will notice that this effect will also disappear. The body will produce more MAO, which will increase your threshold level. One of the things you can do is set a period of one to two weeks without using psychedelics. After this period, the MAO content is back to normal.
Does old-fashioned microdosing work after all?
We know that the absorption of tryptophan, the building block of serotonin, is difficult and hardly reaches the brain. However, psilocin enters the brain very easily if you take the threshold level into account. Now tryptophan and psilocin are closely related as tryptophan is the precursor of psilocin. It could be that you even convert oxidized psilocin in the brain into a building material for serotonin, which in turn can be positive for your mood in the long run. This could explain the long-lasting positive effects without microdosing having much influence in the short term.

Do you want our help?
We can help you microdose successfully. We have even more ideas about how we can improve microdosing. You can also use our expertise when it comes to higher dose trips. Would you like to know what we think best suits your situation? Then complete the intake without obligation and also read our page about microdosing.